Home»Entertainment»Gatherings»16th Annual Be Kind to Animals Celebration April 27

16th Annual Be Kind to Animals Celebration April 27

Porter-County-Animal-Shelter-LogoThe Porter County Animal Shelter is excited to host its 16th annual Be Kind to Animals Celebration on April 27 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Porter County Expo Center. Be Kind to Animals is celebrated by animal shelters throughout the country to raise awareness about animals in our homes and communities and to celebrate the unique bond between humans and animals.

The Be Kind to Animals Celebration boasts all creatures great and small – from adoptable cats and dogs, livestock advocates and wildlife demonstrations allowing guests to get up close and personal with animals for adoption, educational shows and displays as well as shop the latest pet products. Nina G. Photography will be offering pet photography with a percentage of the proceeds to benefiting Porter County Animal Shelter and Arbor View Animal Hospital is offering discounted pet microchipping. Pets are welcome as long as they are well-mannered and on leash.

Kindness toward our animals is the foundation for a compassionate community,” says Kate Vanderlin, Community Outreach Coordinator at Porter County Animal Shelter and the celebration organizer. “As a humane educator, I want to stress to the community the importance of bringing their children to this event. I believe children become what we teach them. If they visit a venue filled with homeless animals and see people dedicating their lives to the welfare of helping them, they will not only understand how important it is to treat animals humanely, but it may also help them become a voice for the animals.”

Children of all ages will have a chance to see Dr. McAfee of McAfee Animal Hospital do a wildlife demonstration, and have their face painted. Touch a Truck by the Porter County Sherriff’s Department will offer an interactive experience with an Animal Control Officer and his vehicle. There will be many educational resources for children, opportunities for interaction with animals, as well as meeting their local animal welfare professionals.

The Porter County Animal Shelter is a division of the Porter County Government. For more information about the Porter County Animal Shelter visit www.portercoanimalshelter.com.