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1st Annual Challenge for the Charger Cup

"Hey Parents - Are You Stressed Out at Work!? Are You Looking for a Way to Let it all Out? How does WHIPPING a dodge ball around with some of your co-workers sound?  That's right - get your stress out and enjoy some REAL teambuilding at the City-Wide Dodge ball Tournament hosted by Central Elementary on May 1st. Why pay thousands of dollars for a goofy teambuilding session when you can see some real bonding for just $15 a person!  Entry forms available at Central Elementary or online at www.centralpto.blogspot.com Sign ups due April 19 so let's hustle!"

Central Elementary’s PTO is issuing a fun challenge to the Valparaiso community to support efforts to enhance each student’s educational experience: a dodgeball tournament! challenge-charger-cupThe Challenge for the Charger Cup will be held May 1 in Boucher Gym at Benjamin Franklin Middle School. The tournament will be held in the late afternoon to accommodate families who are involved with other sports and activities.

This challenge will divide players into age groups: Students K-5, 6-8, high school, college, and adult and family. Each team will play a minimum of 2 games. Registration is due by April 19. For the registration form and more details on the game, click here. Forms will also be available late next week at Central Elementary PTO's blog, Facebook, Realty Executives and various downtown restaurants.

Sponsors are also needed for this event. There are 3 levels of sponsorship:

  • Silver Level: $100 gets a ½ page ad in the program
  • Gold Level: $200 gets a ½ page ad in the program and banner hung in the gym during the event
  • Platinum Level: $300 gets a ½ page ad in the program, banner hung in the gym during the event, and ad space on t-shirts

If you would like to find out more how your business can sponsor this event, call 219-628-2452.

Community members, businesses, and leaders are encouraged to get involved for this exciting event. While this is a fundraiser for Central Elementary PTO, the primary emphasis of the event is to show the students how the community members, from cops to the mayor to lawyers and more, can rally together for some good, clean fun!