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#1StudentNWI: A Great Beginning at Valpo High School

#1StudentNWI: A Great Beginning at Valpo High School

Isabel Uzelac, a Junior at Valparaiso High School, is involved in everything from club soccer to the DECA Team at the high school. Being one of my close friends, she is someone who is also easy to talk to, and is always there when you need someone!

She truly puts effort into her school work and is able to see great successes in the end. As the founder of Educational Helpers, Isabel has a strength in helping those around her. She is also involved in LEAD, Earth Awareness Club, and works at A Pink Boutique.

When asked what her favorite quote is, she responds, “‘No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind.’". This quote comes from the famous musician Taylor Swift.

As a huge fan of hers, Isabel feels as though Swift is her biggest motivation in school. Taylor Swift has a way of relating to her audience, that which Isabel can easily pick up on.

During this past year, Isabel and her family welcomed a foreign exchange student into their home. Here, the student was able to learn about school, family, and the overall lifestyle of Americans. In return, Isabel was able to learn a lot about where the student was from, Denmark.

Isabel says, “It was really cool getting to learn about a different culture, and help her learn about ours. Also, it’s fun to meet a new friend, even if she lives halfway across the world.”

With all things considered, Isabel Uzelac is an excellent example of a student at Valpo who serves as a role model to others and loves to get involved.

Pete Sattler is a favorite teacher of many students at Valparaiso High School. As a swim coach and a teacher, Sattler spends a lot of time helping both students and student-athletes at the high school.

Sattler educates students in Anatomy, Theory of Knowledge 1 and 2, and one of the newest classes this year, Sports Exercise and Health Science. He teaches some of the top students at the school and is known to be one of the toughest, yet most enjoyable teachers. Moreover, he is also one of the four sponsors of Natural Helpers, a program in which students learn more about themselves and learn skills that better prepare them to handle situations pertaining to themselves and their peers.

Secondly, as the women’s head swim coach, he sure does know how to enforce hard work and dedication into his athletes. Working side by side, Sattler and Megan Price, Assistant Coach, both show dedication every day at the pool. Being one of his swimmers doesn’t just mean you are a hard worker, it means you are someone who gives 110% every day, both in and out of the pool. The girls swim team is at the school nearly every day of the week for hours each day, working under Sattler. He gives off such a strong sense of motivation to his athletes that allow them to accomplish everything they have worked towards all winter season.

Stay in touch with everything that’s happening on the Girls Swim Team at valposwimming.com or on Twitter ( @ValpoSwimming ).

As it is widely known, being an athlete at Valparaiso High School is a challenging thing to accomplish considering the competitiveness of our students. Through the Intramural Program, students of varying abilities are able to showcase their talents with their fellow classmates, both boys and girls. For students who aren’t involved in winter sports, this gives them the opportunity to stay active despite the weather conditions.

Mr. Slater, who is both an AP Econ teacher as well as the JV Girls Basketball Coach, sponsors this club and enjoys seeing everyone getting involved each year. This club allows students to enjoy playing basketball with their friends in an environment that is less demanding than being on the school team.

Students get together in teams and create names with their friends that sum up their personalities and competitiveness. Fall intramural sports include aerobics, winter sports include aerobics, boys basketball, girls basketball, indoor tennis, weightlifting, and water polo, and spring sports include aerobics, arena football, ultimate Frisbee, volleyball, and weightlifting.

This winter, students at Valpo have enjoyed the games they have played thus far, and it has been a lot of fun for everyone involved!

Every school year, the VHS Drama Club amazingly shows the school their talents in varying ways. One, in particular, The Improv Comedy Show, will be showcased this February.

This production features the members of the club getting together and sharing their talents of comedy on the spot. Prior to the show, students audition and practice in preparation of being on stage the night of the show. The most interesting part about this production is that each night of the show is different because it’s improvised! The club forms three different teams and the members compete against each other as to who gets the most laughs out of the night!

Check out the VHS Drama Club Twitter page ( @valpodramaclub ) for updates on upcoming meetings and future productions!