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#1StudentNWI: A students view on COVID-19

#1StudentNWI: A students view on COVID-19

This past year and a half has been tough. Through a series of substantial events, like COVID-19, everyone has had to adjust to new circumstances, and it has brought many of them together in the world. Being a student during COVID-19 was certainly rough at times. 

It was strange to see all my classmates over a screen or have to try to understand the work I was receiving without a lot of guidance from teachers. Most of my time this year was spent in school except for when we had a two-week quarantine right before Halloween, which was easier than I thought to do. Last year, during my freshman year, our school was shut down just three months before the school year ended. 

Seeing people in masks was different. It was quite fun though to see people without their masks and find a surprise remembering how they look or being surprised at new faces. At our lunch hour, we had plastic screens spitting tables in halves and fours. Once they were taken down toward the end of the school year, it was really nice to see people around the room and experience a semi-normal lunch hour once again.

Another part of this year that made it better was when events started to open back up again. Pep rallies and basketball games were exciting once more as more people other than a player’s family were allowed to attend. Getting to interact with people and support my school was an even bigger delight.

Thankfully, we were also able to host our yearly dodgeball tournament at the end of this year. It was normally planned for the last day before winter break, but we canceled it due to a spike in COVID-19 cases at the school. Our principal decided that we should, instead, host it on the last day of school, and it was worth the wait. 

It was also good to have graduation back. Last year, we didn’t have the chance to have it since COVID-19 was new and not quite understandable yet. Since many people couldn’t go because it was a limited invite, it was hosted online by our principal. I enjoyed watching it and seeing people I know graduate and accomplish years of work.

I also got the chance to do my yearly Christmas charity project. This year, I got the opportunity to include the elementary students in my project as they made Christmas cards for seniors in Nursing Homes. The project for the high and middle schools was an optional donation for homeless people in shelters. It was so much fun, and the elementary kids loved it!

During my freshman year of school, COVID-19 had just started. We were taken out of school during the first week of March. Even though online school was vigorous, the family had to be the best part of that experience. We had our ups and downs during the time we were stuck together in the house but getting to hang out and coming closer together was definitely the highlight of it all. 

Though living through COVID-19 was not an easy experience, there are many positives.