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#1StudentNWI: Changes and Celebrations Ahead for Kouts High School

#1StudentNWI: Changes and Celebrations Ahead for Kouts High School

Good Luck Seniors

As summer comes to a close, many students have begun to realize that their time in high school will soon end, too. College, jobs, and other stress-inducing topics will soon plague our seniors as they wrap up their time at Kouts High School. As many know, senior year is an infamous section of someone’s life, and I briefly spoke with Becca Herr and Tong Mei Anweiler about their thoughts on being in the limelight.

Becca Herr is a sweet individual that enjoys working on her art in her spare time, as well as researching Ball State and Anderson, where she plans to obtain a teaching license.

Tong Mei Anweiler is a spunky girl that charges her way through school, and she wants to go to college like Becca, at either Purdue or Bloomington. I asked both girls what they hope to remember after leaving high school, as it will most definitely leave an impact on students as they branch out into more challenging activities.

Becca said, “That it's okay to make mistakes. Most of the learning you can do is from making mistakes and learning how to do better.”

Tong Mei stated, “I’ve learned that it doesn’t mean everything is over just because you failed a few times.”

Obviously, both girls have a plan for the future, and I wish them both luck, as well as the rest of the 2019 graduating class, as they embark on their final year of high school.

Changes in East Porter County

As the new school year approaches, East Porter County is in for some new educational changes. Dr. Rod Gardin, the East Porter County Superintendent, has stepped down from his position and has obtained a new career under the Tri-Creek School Corporation. Dr. Gardin has years of experience in the education system, including his position as the principal of Lowell’s elementary school, Lake Prairie Elementary, before moving to East Porter County schools. Dr. Gardin had the opportunity to get to know many wonderful staff members and students of Kouts, Morgan, and Washington, as he held is position for 13 years, beginning in 2005.

With Dr. Gardin gone, the position for East Porter County superintendent is still open, and they will continue to recruit through August 27th before applications for the position are reviewed. There will also be an interim superintendent for the time being, Dr. Robert Boyd, before a permanent replacement is discovered. As for changes that will be made due to Dr. Gardin’s absence, there are no specifics yet. The staff and students only hope that our new superintendent will continue the great work that Dr.Gardin left us with, and that we can continue to thrive.

Forever Warped

As they say, all good things must come to an end, and the Vans Warped Tour is no acception. Warped Tour is a large rock festival owned by Kevin Lyman that travels the United States annually between the summer months of June and August. The festival began touring in 1995, the lineup including bands such as Sublime, No Doubt, and Sick Of It All. 2018 included bands such as Motionless in White, Sum 41, Beartooth, Mayday Parade, Bowling for Soup, and several others. Since their debut year, Warped Tour has made its way into the hearts and minds of many bands and individuals all over the country, the concert giving bands a chance to begin their careers, and for people to bond over music.

After speaking with many repeat attendees, many of them talked about how Warped Tour formed who they are today, and that it’s an event that they often looked forward to.

“It means, really, everything to me. I’ve gone for so long and it’s sad to see it go.”, Noel Smith said.

Kenna Howard said, “Warped Tour to me means doing and looking whatever and however you want because everyone is just there to have a good time. My favorite part was the vibes that I felt while I was there; Everyone was so happy and you could feel that in the air.”

Warped Tour is a festival that brought people together, and was able to maneuver it's way into individuals’ hearts before implanting that euphoric feeling that will last them for years to come.

On behalf of all of the participants, thank you for the amazing memories and experiences that you brought thousands of people. Thank you, Warped Tour!

The 2018 Aukiki River Festival

Kouts, as well as many of the surrounding counties, are known for being small farming communities. Corn, beans, and livestock aren’t hard to come across when driving through. Though most people are quite aware of the rural reality of the area that seems to stretch on for miles, the history of the area is not as well known. While there are places to find more information, such as the Kouts Public Library, other sources could be hard to come by. One source that can prove to be extravagant is the Aukiki River Festival. The Aukiki River Festival provides reenactments and transforms the area into a time machine as actors travel through the periods between when Native Americans first roamed this land, to farmers in the 1930s. Technological advancements in farming, music, war, and daily life can be experienced during the two day event. It is a way for people from the area the go back to their roots and learn more about how our advancements through time have helped to develop us to where we are now.

The festival is located at the Collier Lodge on 1097 Baums Bridge Rd., which is the property of John Hodson, the president of the Kankakee River Historical Society. It will take place on August 25th between 9am and 5pm, as well as August 26th between 10am and 4pm. Admission to get into the festival is $3 for adults, and free for children 12 years old and younger. For more information visit their website, at http://kankakeevalleyhistoricalsociety.org/?page_id=136.