With only less than a week left of school, Wheeler High School (WHS) and its Bearcats prepare for a grueling finals week and a summer unlike any other.
Meanwhile, on Sunday, May 22, 2022, it was a phenomenal day for all upcoming National Honor Society (NHS) inductees and the graduating NHS members.
Around 3 p.m. on May 22, an induction ceremony was held for the students who were chosen and accepted by WHS’s very own NHS. The students were asked to bring family and friends who could view the ceremony as well as take any pictures they would like to have.
During the ceremony, the students were called up and congratulated by order of grade level and last name. After being called up onto the stage, the inductees would then sign the Wheeler High School’s NHS notebook with already decades worth of written names.

The inductee would then light a candle, accept their certificate of acceptance, and stand on the stage whilst the other inductees were called. As the students faced the crowd, several parents took this opportunity to begin recording or photographing their children in this special moment.
After all inductees were standing on stage, Katie Glavin announced a round of applause for the upcoming NHS members and gave her admiration to both Jay Hanaway, who assisted with the ceremony, as well as the NHS members who were able to come and assist with the handlings of the ceremony.
Concluding with the ceremony there was a brief reception in which families, staff members, workers, as well as the inductees all were given a few minutes to talk amongst themselves as well as eat a few desserts.
With that being said, following the ceremony on Sunday, there was a brief interview in which Glavin as well as McKinleigh Lawson were asked to answer some questions. When conversing with them, the question asked was related to whether or not they’ll be having an induction ceremony in the following year again.
"This was my first year in charge of the National Honor Society. I think all in all it went pretty well, but there will definitely be some things that we will fix for next year to make it run smoother. But I do think it went really well and I’m looking forward to working with the new members of the NHS in the next school year," Glavin said.
Following her response, Glavin briefly explained what the NHS would be doing in the following year.
"The three big things we do include raising money for Riley’s Children Hospital during homecoming week by selling spirit bands, as well as two very successful blood drives," said Glavin. "I think this year, between the two blood drives we got about 140 pints of blood. We are hoping for a fourth thing during this winter.”
After Glavin briefly explained what might pertain in the following year, Lawson shared more about the cause.

With that being said, following the ceremony on Sunday, there was a brief interview in which Glavin as well as McKinleigh Lawson were asked to answer some questions. When conversing with them, the question asked was related to whether or not they’ll be having an induction ceremony in the following year again.
"This was my first year in charge of the National Honor Society. I think all in all it went pretty well, but there will definitely be some things that we will fix for next year to make it run smoother. But I do think it went really well and I’m looking forward to working with the new members of the NHS in the next school year," Glavin said.
Following her response, Glavin briefly explained what the NHS would be doing in the following year.
"The three big things we do include raising money for Riley’s Children Hospital during homecoming week by selling spirit bands, as well as two very successful blood drives," said Glavin. "I think this year, between the two blood drives we got about 140 pints of blood. We are hoping for a fourth thing during this winter.”
After Glavin briefly explained what might pertain in the following year, Lawson shared more about the cause
“We definitely want to do more community work. We want to do more concessions and more school involved and related," said Lawson. "We definitely have been figuring out more fundraisers and ideas for next year such as the pie selling and flower selling in the spring potentially. We also want a free throw contest for the basketball games. We want something the whole school is part of. We were even thinking about a potential carnival. We’re still figuring out the plans.”
In terms of next year's NHS, it is clearly in the best of hands. Upcoming Senior President McKinleigh Lawson as well as the rest of the NHS members all have great plans and are determined to fulfill their goals and desires.
Alongside these members, Katie Glavin also is highly determined in establishing new and more potential opportunities for future members as well as present members.
Even though the end of the school year is already upon us, the students of WHS have to first get through finals. Finals week spans over three days, starting on Tuesday, May 24, and following up until Thursday, May 26.
After taking the finals, many students have already begun planning summer-long vacations and activities. The WHS Student Body, along with the faculty, has long been awaiting the blissful reprieve from such a stressful year back from the pandemic.
In addition to having fun events planned for the summer, WHS also is preparing for the summer theater production of the musical Beauty and the Beast. Auditions were held a few days before finals began, and the cast has already been posted and listed. Rehearsals have already begun to be scheduled for the upcoming musical.
As the school year begins to end, WHS prepares its halls yet again for the hustle and bustle of the future students that will saunter throughout it. But for now, the school, along with its wonderful faculty and staff, bids the students and parents farewell.