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#1StudentNWI: Homecoming, Hard Work, and Determination at Boone Grove

#1StudentNWI: Homecoming, Hard Work, and Determination at Boone Grove

Student Spotlight

Alex Reed is a very involved and busy senior at Boone Grove High School. He has been a World Trade Alliance board member since June of last year. He has been apart of The Academic Super Bowl: Math, English, Social Studies, and Interdisciplinary. He helped take his teams to state competition and won 2nd place.

Reed is the president of the National Honor Society (NHS) and helps everyone stay involved by finding volunteering opportunities. Right now, he is organizing Jar War which will commence in the next few weeks. Other members of NHS say that Reed is a fair and organized president and that he’s good with controlling the crowd. He always goes out of his way to make sure everybody has a voice and that’s one of the many things that makes Reed a good leader.

Reed is also part of Drama Club and has taken this year to be the Production Coordinator. This means that he makes sure the actors and backstage members are doing everything they need to be doing to get things ready for the production. He is good at keeping everybody in line and having them keep up with all the tasks. Reed is a strong leader and just has the aura around him that makes everybody follow his lead.

In his spare time, Reed does a lot of volunteer work. He’s helped train and take care the goats at Taltree and helped set up for events that are often held there, be it weddings or concerts, he’s always there giving it his everything. Then, for The World Trade Alliance he is a board member and has hosted booths at festivals to raise memberships and awareness. Along with many other events and luncheons. Alex Reed is a very outgoing person and hasn’t really decided what he wants to do in his future, but whatever it is, he's sure to do an excellent job.

Teacher Spotlight

1Student-Boone-Grove-Nov-2017-04Jori Swan-Caratini is one of the four English teachers at Boone Grove. She has been teaching at the school for 19 years.

Swan works very hard for the school and is the advisor for the English Academic Team who has already started practices. Though the English Academic Team didn’t make it to state, Swan’s help was instrumental in assisting the Interdisciplinary team make it to state and getting second place.

She is a teacher whom many know they can go to with problems, or spend some time joking around with. Most of her seniors had never had her as a teacher until last year when they started dual credit. At first, many of them were intimidated by her and envied the relationship she had with the previous seniors. Now they are those seniors. Many of them spend their study halls in her room or hang out with her during her prep hour and after school. Some students who have never had Swan still come to her for help with college essays or papers for other classes. Jori Swan is a very fun-loving person and every one of her students are grateful to have her as their teacher.

Current Event

1Student-Boone-Grove-Nov-2017-01This weekend Boone Grove High School put on their first production of the year, Through the Looking Glass: and What Alice Found There.

At the beginning of the year many of the students from last year were worried there wouldn’t be a director, but Stacy Davis and Erin Barton saved it. Though the Drama Department started late with auditions and deciding what the play would be, they worked hard to get everything done in time for production. It was a huge learning experience for everyone, as everybody went out of their way to do what they could to help Davis be the best director she could be.

As the production date drew near, everyone was getting nervous, especially since not everyone was confident in their parts. There were rehearsals every single day after school with full tech support. The Drama Department asked two guys who are efficient in tech support and they agreed to help them put on their production for free. For the play, the backstage crew has had to do a lot of work in a short amount of time. They created a human chess board and a giant tree as props for the play. They are all very proud of the work they’ve accomplished.

Thanks to the hard work from all involved, the play went off without a hitch!

Future Event

1Student-Boone-Grove-Nov-2017-02Boone Grove hasn’t always had a football team, which is why they hold homecoming during basketball season. This year, Homecoming will be held on December 16th which falls after Madrigal, but before finals. The student council is in charge of organizing spirit week and decorating the gym for Homecoming. The President of Student Council, Warren Glisk, is in charge of making sure everything goes according to plan.

Boone Grove has spirit week during the week of Homecoming, aimed at getting students excited. Spirit is a huge competition between all grades. Each day of spirit week the student council tallies up how many people from each grade participated and thus will get points. Whoever has the most points at the end of week will gain bragging rights.

As of right now, the spirtit days are: Monday - Pajama Day; Tuesday - Holiday Day; Wednesday - Color Day; Thursday - Media Day; Friday - Spirit Day.

On Wednesday during spirit week all classes wear their designated colors and there’s an assembly for the class tug-of-war. After school there is games night, where all grades fight against each other in 5 different games. This years games will be a hula hoop contest, dodgeball, relay race, pie eating contest, and knockout basketball. The theme for Homecoming will be Midnight in Paris. The auxiliary gym is where the dance will be held. Tony Skoda is said to be the DJ for the night.