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#1StudentNWI: March 2017 at Wheeler High School

#1StudentNWI: March 2017 at Wheeler High School

The second trimester has officially come to a close, and students and teachers alike are looking forward to beginning the final trimester at Wheeler High School! As we begin our third trimester of the 2016-2017 school year, we wish everyone a strong and positive finish in both academics and athletics. Here is a quick look back at some of the highlights that occurred during the month of March at Wheeler High School.

Key Club officers Abby Santos, Max Bebekoski, and teacher sponsor Mary Jarosz were invited to a Kiwanis luncheon on Wednesday, March 22nd. Key Club members recounted the volunteer events that we participated with this year, such as Valparaiso Popcorn Festival, Kiwanis Pancake Day at Valparaiso High School, Salvation Army Bell Ringing, Opportunity Enterprises Pack-a-Thon, Special Olympics Bowling and many others. For over 80 years, The Kiwanis Club of Valparaiso has been giving back to the community that has provided such a rewarding lifestyle for its members by supporting worthwhile charities, social services, and civic projects. The Wheeler High School Key Club is proud to work alongside Kiwanis sponsored events as well as give back to our Northwest Indiana Community.

Wheeler-1Student-March-2017_02 The Wheeler High School Bearcat band performed their Spring Concert on Tuesday, March 14th. Songs that were played included Ballet and Galliard, Air For Band, and Second American Folk Rhapsody. Furthermore, on Thursday March 23rd, Wheeler High School Band and Choir members visited Florida to present an ensemble performance at Disney Springs. Students have most definitely been diligently working hard throughout the school year to perfect their concert performances. We wish them all the best of luck for their performance, as well as a safe and fun trip!

Job opportunities are available for Wheeler High School students who are interested. Burke’s Lawn and Garden is looking for a few responsible students to help in the office and customer service. Moreover, Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore park service is looking for summer help; Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore also specified that it would be a 40-hour work week. Lastly, students who are interested must be able to drive. More information can be found in the Wheeler High School office.

Wheeler-1Student-March-2017_03 Wheeler High School seniors who are interested in financial aid for college, make sure you apply for the Dollars for Scholars scholarship. Applications needs to be completed before Friday, April 7th. Please see Ms. Day in the Guidance office if you have any questions about the scholarship. Another announcement for seniors, Class Officers will be putting together a “Senior Slide Show” for graduation. Turn in a recent and a baby picture to Carter Garcia as soon as possible; any group pictures you may have from kindergarten through present can also be brought in to Carter.

Wheeler-1Student-March-2017_04Student and Teacher Shout Outs
Marcos Buslon, junior at Wheeler HS, is an amazing student. Marcos is an active Student Council officer, Science and Social Studies Academic team member, and trumpet player of Bearcat Marching Band, Pep Band, and Concert Band. Some notable student council events that Marcos has volunteered in includes the Wheeler High School Annual Pansy Plunge, Porter County Leadership Conference, and many more. Likewise, Marcos has been working hard to prepare for the upcoming Academic Teams Competition Wednesday, April 12th.

We wish Marcos, as well as all the other Bearcat Academic Team students, the best of luck at their upcoming competition.

Wheeler-1Student-March-2017_05 Wheeler High School’s Criminal Justice teacher, Mr. Ralph Iler is a shout out worthy teacher. He attained a Bachelor’s degree in sociology with a focus on Criminal Justice from Valparaiso University, as well as Master’s degree in Public Administration from Indiana University Northwest.

When asked about his interest in his career, Mr. Iler replied, “I have been teaching at Union Township School Corporation since 1999. Prior to teaching, I was the Chief Juvenile Probation Officer in Porter County. I have worked as a university police officer, social worker in a juvenile residential facility, and as a probation officer. I have spent most of my career working with youths and families. I am also a member of the Porter County Sheriff’s Merit Board. I have been an adjunct professor at Indiana University Northwest, Vincennes University and Ivy Tech College.”

The Criminal Justice Course is one of two vocational programs offered at Wheeler High School. This course has student from the many Porter County Schools as well as students from Wheeler High School. Beginning in 1998, It is part of the Porter County Career and Technology program.

Mr Iler continued by stating, “It prepares students for a career in law enforcement. Students received 6 college credits from Vincennes University. They receive credits for Introduction to Criminal Justice and Criminology. Our goal is to give students an insight into the many criminal justice related fields and expose them to the legal system and many criminal justice professionals.”

We thank Mr. Iler for all his hard work and dedication to Wheeler High School!