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#1StudentNWI: March Madness For Valparaiso High

#1StudentNWI: March Madness For Valparaiso High

What’s Happened?

March is here at Valparaiso High school and students are all excited that summer vacation is less than two months away! Before we are let out for the summer, students had to take either the dreaded ISTEP if they are Freshman, Sophomore, or the SAT/ACT if they are Juniors or Seniors. Valpo High students have just finished their part one ISTEPs and are ready to start the final quarter of this school year and end strong!

With the end of the school year coming, some clubs at VHS needed to recruit new team members for the next school year. Two of these clubs are the VHS Varsity Singers and the VHS LEAD Mentor Team Club.

The LEAD Mentor Team just had their callout meeting for new interested people to join and the Varsity singers just had their try-out week on March 11-14th for new interested members, (who either were in Concert Choir this year or have tried out for Concert choir this year), to come and learn a dance routine, perform it and a vocal solo. If a student makes it into the club, then they will be learning the full Varsity Singer routine towards the end of the summer.

Speaking of summer, students just had the opportunity to sign up for any summer school sessions. One session of summer school (About 14 days) accounts for one full year/ Semester in that class and can help students get any extra credits out of the way.

What's Going to Happen?

On April 6th, the VHS Mixed choir, Men’s Chorus, and Women’s Chorus are going to ISSMA Organizationals to show off their skills that they have learned this year.

Because the school year is going to be ending in less than two months, there have been sport callouts to students at VHS who may possibly want to join sports for next year.

Speaking of sports…Spring sport tryouts have started! The VHS Sports offered in the Spring are Boy’s Golf, Softball, Baseball, Girl’s Tennis, Boys’ Track and Field, Girls’ Track and Field, and Unified Track and Field.

Also, the VHS Drama club has a show coming up in April called April Antics. This show is special because anyone with a talent can sign up to be incorporated into the show somehow.

April Antics is a student-made show in which students who aren’t in Drama club have a chance to try out and join those who are in Drama club. It’s a chance for those who are curious about what Drama club is like to explore their options a little more and it’s a fun chance to show everyone their hidden talents, whether it’s singing, dancing, rocking it out on the guitar. There is always something students can do during April Antics to help the show, they don’t even have to be in the show! Students who are unsure about being on-stage during the performance can help out in a variety of different ways that are off-stage, but still help out with the show. Some ways students can help are being ushers, being backstage, being light crew, costume/set design or they can help out with concessions.

Student Spotlight: Kailee Kappler

valpo1Kailee is an 18-year old Junior at Valparaiso High. In the mornings, she can usually be found in the Valpo High Media Center, sitting in a chair by the window, eating breakfast and talking amongst her friends. She is nice and once you get to know her, she has some pretty interesting things to talk about. Although she is not in any clubs currently, she does remain active and in contact with her friends through playing sports outside of school.

“I play basketball outside of school. I usually play by myself or with friends”.

Kailee is hoping in the future to go to college and get a teaching degree so that she may become an elementary teacher one day in her future.

Teacher Spotlight: Tristan Witt

valpo2Mr. Witt is a Physics and Integrated Chemistry and Physics teacher at Valparaiso High.

He’s been teaching for 3 years and is very nice. He likes to give students a lot of time to do their work, only asking for their attention for less than one-third of the period so he can go over what the homework/classwork was the previous day. He was inspired to become a teacher from liking teaching and tutoring for a long time. While looking for a job he found a physics position at Valparaiso High school.

“It’s a very nice new renovation here. Nicer than the high schools I went to, for sure,” Mr. Witt explained, giving his thoughts on what he thinks of Valparaiso High school.

Mr. Witt also enjoys the town of Valparaiso as well.

“It’s nice. I enjoy living here. My wife and I are very happy here. She has a nice community of running friends, I have a nice community of soccer friends. So it’s a good place to live for me.”