Home»Features»Student Voices»#1StudentNWI: Month of October 2016 at Wheeler High School

#1StudentNWI: Month of October 2016 at Wheeler High School

Wheeler-1Student-October-2016_01The season of Autumn has officially begun at Wheeler High School! Leaves are gradually falling, the temperature is slowly getting colder, and trees are changing to their fall colors. Wheeler bearcats have also been hard at work as the end of the first trimester of school approaches.

In regards to recent news, all students are welcome to join the “Costume Classic Mushball Tourney” on Tuesday, October 25th. You will need a team of at least ten players, an entry fee of $25.00, and a costume theme. Sign-ups will be during lunches in the cafeteria on October 19th and 20th, as well as in the main office. All proceeds and donations will go towards Special Olympics!

Next, Student Council, in cooperation with National Honor Society and SCORE, are looking for students interested in being a part of the Champions Together Program. Champions Together is an inclusive group that works to organize and assist with events throughout the school year that support the Special Olympics and more local organizations that work with students and adults with special needs. If you want to learn how you can be a part of this new and exciting group, led by student council members, come to the meetings in Ms. Mak's room after school on Fridays. If you are unable to attend, but are still interested, let Ms. Mak know as soon as possible.

Wheeler-1Student-October-2016_02On Wednesday, October 26th, National Honor Society and the American Red Cross will be hosting a blood drive. You can help save as many as three lives per donation. Any students who are interested in volunteering to donate blood should see Mr. Boruff during school.

Also, Spell Bowl team members will be meeting on Thursdays after school in Mr. Boruff’s room; we will be finalizing which ten team members will be competing at the Spell Bowl Competition on Wednesday, November 2nd.

The Bearcat Gaming Club will continue to meet on Wednesdays after school, while the Debate Club will be meeting on Tuesdays.

Anyone interested in working backstage for Footloose the Musical, please see Mr. Hanaway in the auditorium during your lunch. All students are welcome to help. Footloose will be showcasing on November 4th and 5th at 7:00 P.M. and November 6th at 2:00 P.M. Doors will open at 6:30 P.M. and 1:30 P.M. respectively. Tickets will be available for $7.00 per person, and general seating will be offered by the Bearcat Theatre Company. We wish all our Wheeler students and staff the best of luck for their Fall Musical!

Wheeler High School hosted its Senior Night recently on Friday, October 14th. Some of the students that were recognized included the senior football players, tennis players, band members, cheerleaders, cross country runners, athletic trainers, and girls volleyball players.

Additionally, we would like to congratulate the Bearcat boys tennis team finishing the season with a record of 17-2, the Bearcat boys cross country team winning the 2016 GSSC, and the Bearcat girls cross country team placing second in GSSC.

Wheeler-1Student-October-2016_03I would like to give a big student shout out to Wheeler High School junior Aiden Hostetler. Aiden has been actively involved in Student Council, National Honor Society, and cross country. In fact, Aiden has recently qualified for cross country semi-state on Saturday, October 15th by virtue of his 27th place finish at regionals. This will be Aiden’s second appearance running at semi-state as well. We wish Aiden the best run ever as he competes in semi-state!

I would also like to give a huge teacher shout out to Mr. Kosal. A graduate of Alma College, located in central Michigan, Mr. Kosal majored in mathematics and minored in history. In addition, he also holds a Masters Degree in secondary education from Indiana University.

At Wheeler High School, he teaches algebra 1, algebra enrichment, geometry, trigonometry, and pre-calculus.

Wheeler-1Student-October-2016_04Mr. Kosal said, “I am willing to do anything in my power to make sure I get as much mathematics in my students’ heads as possible. I get to school extremely early in the mornings; likewise, I leave school very late in the evening. If extra help is ever needed, I am always willing to help, whenever it may be. I also happily devote much of my free time to coaching cross country and track and field. Running is my passion, and I hope to continue teaching students the love of running for many years to come.”

Mr. Kosal continued, “This school is such a fantastic place to teach given the students, the personalities, the administration, and how much the community values a strong education. Although I grew up in central Michigan, I now consider Northwest Indiana my home.”

We thank Mr. Kosal for all of his contributions as a mathematics teacher, cross country coach, and track and field coach!