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#1StudentNWI: Porter County Career and Tech Center Celebrates Fall

#1StudentNWI: Porter County Career and Tech Center Celebrates Fall

Student Spotlight

The Porter County Career Center is filled with outstanding students, and there are many who have accomplished amazing feats out of school and in school. At this school, students come with fantastic knowledge and fascinating attitudes.

Hannah Christy is someone who has achieved several things that are completely extraordinary, as well as someone with the knowledge and attitude to continue doing so. She has many accolades and achievements that are recognized.

“I won the Drive Safe Chicago for the Chicago Auto Show,” Christy said. "I was able to work with directors from New York and I filmed a commercial with them. I was also able to go to Chicago and eventually won $2,000, and I was on ABC7 News.”

Christy is definitely a familiar face around the school. She is currently in her second year at the Porter County Career Center, and she’s studying Video Production and Media Studies. She partakes in her class outside of the school by broadcasting football games and more.

Christy is definitely a huge fan of the Career Center.

“I love the atmosphere here. Everyone has awesome personalities. You walk in and you’re greeted immediately. It’s a really positive environment," Christy said.

Christy is one of many students who love the school and she is extremely passionate about her studies. The environment, for her and many other students, is superb and conducive to learning.

Christy's attitude resembles the vocational center. She’s friendly with everyone she’s around and she is a hardworking student. For her, her work ethic shows and exemplifies what kind of students PCCTC has.

Teacher Spotlight

1Student-PCCTC-October-2017-02Mr. Phelps is the Video Productions and Media Studies teacher at the Porter County Career Center.

He teaches his students about producing videos, editing, and how to properly direct a live sports broadcast. He’s been with his class at some of the Valpo football games, as well, to offer guidance and support. He’s also Hannah Christy’s teacher, and he went with her to Drive Safe Chicago for the Chicago Auto Show.

His background over the field is incredible.

“I used to work in television news,” Mr. Phelps said. “I was a cameraman for an NBC station, and then I started teaching at the Career Center twelve years ago. This place has really grown on me ever since I started.”

Mr. Phelps is a huge fan of the technology and equipment that the Career Center has. He believes it’s a huge benefactor for his class and the school. He also believes that the school comes with a lot of opportunities and a great environment.

“One of my favorite things about the Career Center is we have great equipment,” he said. “Students can leave their home school and meet students from other schools in the county. They have a little bit more of a feeling of respect. It kind of feels like it’s getting them more ready for college.”

Mr. Phelps' class is a great option for anyone interested in the film or video field. Mr. Phelps believes future students that “have a passion for video, storytelling, and technology,” would be a good fit for the class, and could be better prepared to pursue a career in the industry.

What’s Happening

1Student-PCCTC-October-2017-03So far, the Porter County Career Center has had a tremendous turnout on their custom form of an Anti-bullying program. Here, teachers and staff get classes involved in activities with other classes throughout the school. They do this by using Fishlosohphy.

Fishlosophy is now in its third year at the vocational center. The guidance counselor, Mrs. Ellis, runs the program throughout the entire campus. She does this by pairing classes together to do activities that have classmates interact with each other. The classes that she pairs together usually don’t interact with each other on a normal basis.

With Fishlosophy, there are four steps that create this fun and helpful atmosphere for students.

“Be there” is exactly what it sounds like. Being there for someone can change that someone’s day dramatically. This part is just the beginning.

“Make their day” is just using simple gestures and compliments to make someone’s day. It makes someone feel good about themselves, and keeps a positive attitude throughout the building. After complimenting or helping someone, the complimenter feels good by just making someone’s day.

“Play” has the most direct interaction. It’s an enjoyable and interactive step, as well as it needing a positive attitude. Interacting with others by playing is the most physical step.

“Choose your attitude” is the most impactful step. This means to choose how you’re going to see and live out your day. If you feel like you’re going to have a bad day, you are most likely going to have a bad day. That can easily change by redirecting thoughts and attitude in a more positive manner. This would mean by saying that it will be a good day, no matter what.

Fishlosophy has become a very great activity at school. With students interacting with each other, new friendships are formed and the Porter County Career Center keeps a positive environment!

What’s Coming Up?

1Student-PCCTC-October-2017-04With fall in full swing, the Porter County Career Center has decided to do something fun for their students that have excellent grades and fantastic classroom behavior.

They've decided that chilly weather warrents some fun with fellow staff and classmates, s'mores, and hayrides!

On October 26, 2017, the Career Center is holding a Bonfire Extravaganza. This will be held at the Sunset Hill Farm in Valparaiso with PCCTC faculty. Students are allowed to bring one guest with principal, Mr. Groth’s, approval.

But how is the word getting around the school about this Bonfire Extravaganza? Well, ask the Entrepreneurship, Sports and Entertainment Marketing class and the Strategic Marketing Internship class.

They have been using a form of marketing called “guerilla marketing” that uses an eye-popping way of advertising. To get word out about this event, they showed up in classrooms in halloween costumes and handed out permission slips.

Ms. Ammons is the orchestrator of this advertising technique. With her background of marketing and business methods, it’s easy to show the Porter County Career Center that this bonfire is the real deal!

The two business classes at the Career Center are not done yet with their marketing. They are taking their marketing outside the classroom very soon.

The Bonfire Extravaganza will be the perfect time to socialize and have a good time with classmates and staff. With the theme of fall, they hayride and s’mores are definitely something students can’t miss!