What's recently happened?

Valparaiso High School (VHS) hosted “This is Our Story” (TIOS) in early December. “TIOS” was held on December 4 and December 5.
“TIOS” had a variety of entertainment for the community to enjoy. VHS band, Varsity Singers, VHS Jazz Ensemble, and many more clubs involved in the arts performed for the community. Artists from elementary school to high school displayed their artwork to show the community the creativity made in the classroom.
In addition to TIOS, VHS students finished finals and headed to Christmas break. Many students enjoyed their break with family and friends, while others enjoyed a vacation.
What’s coming up?
While school is back in session, the VHS Varsity Gymnastics team has been working hard as the season progresses.
The girls have already competed in a few meets, but have many more meets to come within the season. In the month of January, the girls have a total of six home meets anyone can attend to cheer on VHS.
The Viking invite will be hosted on January 13 in the VHS Central Fieldhouse. The meet starts at 11 a.m., while the girls will be competing against many other schools in the area. These schools include McCutcheon High School, Merrillville High School, Lafayette Jefferson High School, Logansport High School, and William Henry Harrison High School.
In addition to the Viking Invite, the VHS gymnastics team will be competing against Lowell High School, Hobart High School, and Morgan Township High School on January 25. The meet will be hosted at the VHS Central Fieldhouse at 6 p.m.
Staff spotlight:
Colleen Peluso is currently an English teacher at Valparaiso High School. Peluso attended Drake University where she obtained her undergraduate degree in Theatre Directing and Magazine Journalism. Peluso continued to obtain a master's in Secondary Education from Valparaiso University.

Peluso teaches the classes AP English Language and Composition, English 10 Advanced, and American Literature. Peluso enjoys teaching her classes for various reasons.
“I love the students. There is always a new problem to solve every day, and teenagers keep me on my toes. I appreciate their wit, thoughtfulness, and excitement,” Peluso said. “Students are all so different, and I love hearing their opinions, ideas, plans, and senses of humor.”
Originally, Peluso had a different career plan than becoming an English teacher.
“I planned to go into journalism and worked in the commercial and industrial production industry in Chicago before getting my Masters in Education,” Peluso said. “I used to do commercial voiceover professionally before I was a teacher.”
After school, Peluso is busy working with the Drama Club to put on successful shows for the community.
“I direct the fall show for the Drama Club, run the drama club, and assistant direct the improv show,” Peluso said. “I love the fall show weekend where we can see all the student's hard work earn the praise it deserves.”
Peluso loves facilitating the Drama Club at VHS.
“I love giving students a strong foundation for success in the theatre field and giving students the opportunity to collaborate on a large-scale production. Putting together a show, no matter what your role is, is one of the best ways to develop skills in collaboration, problem-solving, and critical thinking,” Peluso said.
Lastly, Peluso gets motivated knowing she contributes to the world by teaching students.
“Teaching students is the best way I know how to contribute to the world and help solve some of society's problems; I may not have the knowledge or ability to tackle some of our biggest issues, but one of my students might, and hopefully I can help them develop their critical thinking and communication skills and gain confidence in their abilities,” Peluso said.
Student spotlight:
Allison Parks is currently a senior at VHS who is involved in various out-of-school activities that have shaped her as a person.

“I am involved in Varsity Singers, Drama Club, and National Honors Society,” Parks said. “These activities help me express myself and meet people who have the same interests as me. It shapes me to be the best possible version of me!”
Parks finds enjoyment in these activities as she considers herself a social person.
“My favorite thing about all of these activities is being able to meet new people,” Parks said. “I am very happy and thankful that I am involved in these activities.”
Parks has committed to Indiana University to study marketing and fashion merchandising. She is currently taking a marketing class and took fashion textiles in her junior year.
In addition, Parks finds joy in singing, which is one of her hobbies.
“I have been singing my whole life, and this past year, I released a Christmas song on all platforms called ‘At Home’ by Allie Parks,” Parks said.