What's Recently Happened?
The month of September for Wheeler High School (WHS) has always been known to be chaotic.
Recently, WHS had its very own homecoming dance along with a homecoming game. Additionally, it had a homecoming tailgate where the popular, student-led local band, Low Ceiling, played and sold merchandise.
Before the homecoming game began, WHS asked Low Ceiling to play for the homecoming tailgate. Elated with excitement, the band agreed to play a few rock/pop covers of popular songs. The band members included Atlas Fugate, Rocco Fugate, Xavier Dabu, and Steven Flanagan.

Moreover, after the tailgate event, WHS had a small homecoming parade. In this parade, the WHS band marched accompanied by the football team and cheerleaders.
After the march, the WHS football team ran onto the football field and began waiting for the glorious match against rival Boone Grove High School. WHS ended up victorious and took home the win on homecoming night.
As the last few seconds of the timer went down, WHS scored the winning touchdown and cemented their victory for the season.
The students rushed to the field and cheered, amazed at the victory and taunting their rivals.
Additionally, WHS announced the homecoming court winners, with Lazo Knezic being the homecoming king, and Sarah Conroy being the homecoming queen.
The following day was the homecoming dance. This event was held inside the actual grand hall of the school, as well as the lunch room. The theme for this homecoming dance was “The Great Gatsby."
Students reported that this homecoming dance topped any other school event.
Apart from homecoming-related events, WHS also held its first blood drive of the year. National Honor Society (NHS) was able to raise a total of 64 pints of blood this month, saving countless lives.
Remember to be a part of the next WHS Blood Drive.
What’s Coming Up?
On October 12, students are planning on taking the PSAT as well as the SAT (in regards to the seniors).
WHS class resources were advised to make sure all students were participating in Khan Academy for specific days of the week, to ensure that the students were prepared for the PSAT and SAT.
Some students have even bought practice PSAT and SAT textbooks to prepare for the exam.
Additionally, the WHS Preschool Program is beginning on Nov 4. This particular program allows students who are in the Advanced Child Development class to babysit children during the school day.
The program starts on November 14th and ends on February 8. It begins at 9:10 a.m. and ends at 11 a.m. every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
The students in the Advanced Child Development class will not only be able to learn how kids function in a school setting, but also gain in-depth knowledge on how to take care of children.
So drop off your bear cubs at WHS’s Bearcat Preschool!
Staff spotlight
Natalie Mills, WHS English teacher, knew she was always meant to teach.
“I thrive in chaos. Teaching was the most chaotic career I could think of," she said.
Most teachers would agree that teaching is chaotic, but Mills enjoys this feeling. In fact, she would prefer it over some of the less chaotic careers in the world.

“Students are my favorite part of teaching. Teenagers are awkward and hilarious. Their goals and dreams have (usually) not yet been ruined or crushed by the endless demands and burdens of society, which makes them oblivious in a cute little puppy way," she said.
In addition to being an amazing teacher, she’s also an amazing school news editor, as well as a professional photographer.
During the homecoming game, Mills even took some beautiful pictures of football players, as well as Low Ceiling.
Student spotlight
Grace Klimczyk, a hard-working and involved student at WHS, started her very first internship at the Memorial Opera House in downtown Valparaiso.
“I help with marketing and pin posters all around Valpo to advertise for our events and I stage manage the youth theater show," she said.
Klimczyk has been in several WHS theater productions, so her interning at a Memorial Opera House had no one shocked. Several students come to some of the Opera House productions and cheer her on.

“My favorite part about the internship is how much I am learning about the behind-the-scenes of a theater," she said. "There’s a lot that goes into running a theater company, and I am so happy to be a part of the crew."
She’s constantly assisting the crew by helping them memorize lines, fixing costumes, applying makeup, and practicing rehearsal with them.
Additionally, some of the skills that Klimczyk learned through this internship include communication, time management, organizational, and theater management skills.
So why don’t you take a trip down to the Memorial Opera House in downtown Valparaiso and pay Klimczyk a visit?