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2014 Hayes Leonard Elementary Casino Night

2014-hayes-leonard-casino-nightOn Friday, May 2, 2014, Hayes Leonard Elementary School PTO will be hosting Casino Night at Old Town Banquet Center. All proceeds will go toward the purchase of new furniture for the school.

It is old news that Valparaiso Community Schools is operating on fewer dollars in 2014 than four years ago. This reduced funding has not had a positive impact for students in the classroom.

After realizing the poor condition of the majority of the furnishings in the building, Hayes Leonard parents set out to help. Last May, the PTO held their first dinner auction fundraising event. It was highly successful, and as a result, new instructional tables and chairs, book shelves, and small group furniture for several rooms were purchased. Multiple areas of the building have been transformed with this furniture to allow for the small-group, differentiated instruction that is best for student learning.

But, Hayes Leonard parents aren’t done yet. They have another event planned… this year a Casino Night Auction on Friday, May 2, 2014 at Old Towne Banquet Center from 7-11pm. They have high hopes of raising the funds to continue to purchase student desks and chairs for every room, for every child. This event is open to the community. Please come join us and support our school.

Your $30 ticket includes entrance to the event, music with Mayor Jon Costas and the Rebecca Ann Band, and appetizers and desserts. Pikks Tavern, the Valley, Meditrina and Culver’s will be furnishing desserts as well. Casino chips can be purchased for an additional fee. Grand prizes and amazing vacation excursions will be auctioned off, along with hundreds of unique silent auction items available for bid.

When it comes to the future of our children, parents do not have the luxury of waiting to see what our legislators decide to do and watching it play out in our children’s schools. Hayes Leonard Elementary parents understand this, and take the action they can each day to assure their children receive the elementary school experience that will best prepare them for the rest of their lives. Please come support one of Valparaiso’s finest schools.

Tickets can be purchased on hayesleonard.com or by contacting Kimberly Emmett at kimberly.emmett@yahoo.com or (219) 306-1486. Tickets are $30 per person before the event by either contacting Kimberly Emmett or going to www.hayesleonard.com. Tickets at the door are $45 per person. Tickets are limited, so do not delay!

You can also go to our Facebook page for more information at https://www.facebook.com/events/471370996317781