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2014 Valpo Relay For Life Set for May 17

2014-Valpo-Relay-For-Life-01The community is invited to celebrate the lives of those who have survived cancer, remember those lost to cancer and empower others to fight back at the American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Greater Valparaiso, “Carnival For A Cure,” on May 17-18.

Relay For Life is a fun, family-friendly event where teams from local companies, schools, clubs, organizations, friends and family walk throughout the night because cancer never sleeps. Festivities will include music, theme laps, contests, carnival games and food.

“Relay For Life raises awareness about the progress against cancer while raising funds that help support the American Cancer Society's programs and services for patients and their families right here in our community, as well as research,” event co-chair Kim Rushmore said. “We have 29 teams this year and we hope to raise over $80,000.”

Carnival For A Cure at Thomas Jefferson Middle School, 1600 Roosevelt Rd. in Valparaiso, begins with the Opening Ceremony at 4 p.m. on May 17, followed by the Survivors Lap. This inspiring lap honors cancer survivors as they join together to walk the track – unified in victory and hope. All registered cancer survivors, newly diagnosed or long-term, along with one caregiver, are invited to the Survivor Dinner at 4:30 p.m. Other highlights include a Miss Relay pageant at 7:30 p.m., Box Car Race at 8 p.m., Luminaria and Solemn Rembrance Ceremony at 9 p.m., Fight Back Ceremony at 10:30 p.m., Pajama Fashion Show at 11 p.m., and Candlelight Ceremony at midnight. Activities will continue through the night with the closing ceremony at 7 a.m.

“I encourage everyone to come out to the event to cheer on cancer survivors and remember everyone touched by cancer,” Rushmore said.

Guests are asked to sign in at the Registration tent on the west side of the track. Survivors are encouraged to register early at www.relayforlife.org/valpoin to reserve seating for the dinner. Luminaria in memory or in honor of someone touched by cancer may be purchased at the event, and will line the track all night. All donations for luminaria and Relay For Life go toward the American Cancer Society’s mission to fight back against cancer.

For more information, contact Wendy Mang, American Cancer Society community representative, at (219) 241-2348.