Home»Entertainment»Gatherings»3rd Annual “Livin’ It Up Music Festival” to Benefit Porter County Special Olympics

3rd Annual “Livin’ It Up Music Festival” to Benefit Porter County Special Olympics

Livin-It-Up-2013Livin' It Up! Sunset Hill Farm County Park (Route 6 and Meridian Rd., Valparaiso) will be rockin' and rollin' with a live music extravaganza and entertainment for the whole family from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. on Saturday, June 29, 2013. An awesome fireworks display put on by Badaboom Fireworks, Methodist Hospitals, American Chemical Technologies, and Dr. Tom Galouzis will culminate a perfect day.

The day will begin with car show from 10 p.m. to 2 p.m. which will be judged by our Special Olypics athletes. To pre-register, call Paula Myers at 219-759-3345. The variety of music will feature Chris and Lou, Hoosier Highway, Uncle Bucket, Little Lover, Shutup & Drive, The Mad Ants, and Stonewave. And while your swinging to the music, there will be food and crafts to enjoy as well.

A 24-hour run in conjunction with the Extra Mile will also be taking place. Just bring your blanket or chairs and stay for the duration!

All this extra special entertainment will be at the minimal cost of $10 per car plus you will be eligble for door prizes. So pile your family or friends in your vehicle and head out to Sunset Hill Farm. This fun-filled day is guaranteed to please.

All proceeds are to benefit Porter County Special Olympics. For further information or pre-passes, go to Livin' It Up on facebook, or porcoso.org, or call John King at 219-309-0070.