Home»Community»Serving»9th Annual National Day of Prayer Breakfast

9th Annual National Day of Prayer Breakfast

Boy-Scouts-Prepared-for-LifeMay 1st is the 9th Annual National Day of Prayer and there will be a breakfast held Stongbow Inn at 7:15am.

National Day of Prayer is an annual observance held on the first Thursday of May. It began in 1952 through a joint resolution of the United States Congress and signed into law by President Harry S. Truman.

The event is coordinated by the Boy Scouts of America and it is local Scouting's way of honoring religious traditions and practices. Proceeds from the event go directly to support local Boy Scouting across Porter County.

Tickets are $25.00 each.

Table sponsorships with logo recognition are available for $250.00!

Checks can be made to LaSalle Council, BSA, or you may pay at the door. Contact a committee member or email portercountyscouting@gmail.com to reserve your table now!

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