A Lenten Remix

By: Contributor Last Updated: February 22, 2013

Lent-No-ChocolateWritten by Jane Scupham, principal

Here we are a week into Lent and I can’t help but think about how as adults we still seem to be “giving up” the same things we gave up for Lent when we were eight-- no more chocolate, no candy, no eating in between meals, no more fighting with our brother or sister. You know the litany of “what I’m giving up for Lent,” but have you ever thought that maybe it is time to give that litany a remix, a spiritual shake-up?

Maybe this Lent is the time to take a closer look at what the three practices of Lent can do to deepen our Catholic faith. Maybe we need to change our “giving up” practices to be more along the lines of “giving to.” We can give of our possessions by giving away some of the surplus of clothing, or furniture, or household goods that we have in our homes. We can give of our time, an extremely precious commodity, to listen attentively to the elderly neighbor who always seems to know when we’re home, or to write that thank you to the mom at school who organized the class party by herself, or to step away from the computer and pick up a bible storybook to read to the children.

LentWe can give of our financial resources to give to those more in need, or a charity that we hold dear, or to pay for the food for the person behind us in the line at Starbuck’s.

Examine your Lenten promises and see if they might need a remix. This is the time the Church calls us to be willing to change our ways and maybe changing our “give ups” will enrich our Lenten experience this year.