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A Lifer and her Lunch at Industrial Revolution

I spend a majority of my day at work in Downtown Valpo. I sit at a desk and click-clack away on my keyboard and often, my desk doubles as a lunch table. Sometimes when you start on a project you get into a groove and leaving for lunch sometimes doesn’t work out. But sometimes I treat myself to a nice meal, taking that “me time” that everyone needs.

My “me time” took place at Industrial Revolution Eatery and Grille in Valpo. I’ll tell you what, every time I go in there I’m greeted by a friendly face and I don’t have to wait long for a table.

Rant -There are a few things that make me steer clear of a restaurant: bad food, bad service, too crowded, or too noisy. I feel that if you are going out to eat, you should have a nice environment in which to eat. If all I wanted was good food, I’d stay home and cook. -End Rant.

Luckily, whenever I go into Industrial Revolution it’s never too loud, it’s busy but not too crowded, the staff is ALWAYS friendly toward me, and the food is excellent.

My server, Nathan, was funny and friendly. He told me the specials and who they were “saluting” at that moment – the great Martin Luther King, Jr. – and offered to start me out with a beverage. He suggested iced tea and since it had been a while since I’d had it I said yes and unsweetened, please. Nathan then asked if I wanted a fruit flavored iced tea. There was strawberry, peach, mango- I stopped him at mango because I loved that fruit, and Nathan was off like a flash.

He quickly returned with my drink, and I was delighted to find that there were chunks of real mango in it. I wasn’t expecting that. I was then informed that the iced tea is brewed fresh every morning, and whenever someone orders a fruity iced tea, a fruit syrup and then frozen pieces of fruit are mixed in to make for a very flavorful and refreshing drink. This can also be done with lemonade, FYI.

I ordered a Buffalo Chicken Salad Bowl. This is a nifty dish because the “bowl” that the salad comes in is actually a giant tortilla that is molded into a bowl-ish shape and deep fried (it’s taste is reminiscent of an elephant ear with no cinnamon/sugar). Now, I’m not a fan of Buffalo sauce. It’s butter, hot sauce, vinegar, Worcestershire, and a few spices mixed together. Recipes vary, but that is essentially the makings of the sauce. I asked Nathan if I could just get plain grilled chicken, and bless his heart, he made it happen for me. On the side I got Caesar dressing and when my meal was delivered I was left to peacefully eat my lunch and relax.

The iced tea was cold and fruity – it was sweet but I actually really liked it. My salad was huge (hurray for leftovers!) with juicy grilled chicken, crunchy carrots and celery, crisp lettuce, and pico de gallo. The salad normally comes with ranch and blue cheese as well, but I had Nathan nix those for me as well.

Thank you, Nathan.

A neat note, when the Caesar dressing just lightly soaks through the bowl, it tastes SO good. Food for thought. By the way, the salad came in a bowl which also came on a plate, just to clarify.

When I was done, Nathan brought me a container for my remaining food, I paid my bill, and I was on my way. No muss, no fuss. It was easy, seamless, the food was great, the establishment was calm and inviting, I love their train that chugs around the restaurant, and I’ll be going back.