Home»Entertainment»Gatherings»A New Social Event Coming to Valpo July 21!

A New Social Event Coming to Valpo July 21!

Party-in-the-ParkSave the date for Valpo's newest social event benefiting the Valpo Parks Foundation! On Saturday, July 21, 2012, be entertained by local celebrities and judges in a unique singing competition at Party in the Park, featuring the Valpo Voice Sing-Off!

Valpo Voice finalists will perform live! Get a glimpse of "celebrities" such as "J. Lo" and "Christina" in a unique singing event! You can help select The Valpo Voice by voting with dollars that night for your favorite singer. All voting proceeds will go toward building shelters at Butterfly Meadow Playground.

This fun event will be held at Butterfly Meadow Park from 7 to 11 pm. Enjoy heavy hors d'oeuvres, a cash bar of summer libations and Chicago's "Under Cover" Band. Dress is resort casual.

Tickets are $75 per person. All funds raised will go towards building shelters at Butterfly Meadow Park, a project of the Valpo Parks Foundation. To purchase tickets, visit www.valpoparksfoundation.org or call 219.462.5144.

Sponsorships are available, at several different levels. The Party in the Park is currently sponsored by:

  • Porter Health Care Systems
  • Urschel Laboratories
  • UFS Corporation
  • Vale Park Animal Hospital
  • NorthCoast Distributing
  • C.S.I.
  • Giving Focus
  • Gariup Construction
  • Design Organization

Visit ValpoParksFoundation.org or call 462.5144 for more information. Get your tickets to make sure you do not miss both the winners and the losers of this hot competition. If you see or talk to Mark Ritzi, please help him deal with his loss.

Mark Ritzi's Audition Tape for Party in the Park's Valpo Voice Sing Off from ValpoLife on Vimeo.