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A Run to Remember

GOTR-1Girls on the Run at Sunset Hill Farm County Park teaches fitness, confidence to pre-teens

As girls prepare for middle school, they deal with a variety of pressures and uncertainties. Self-confidence and a strong support system become necessary tools to navigate through the difficulties they face.

Molly Barker developed Girls on the Run in 1996 in Charlotte, N.C., to offer that support system and provide a team atmosphere where pre-teen girls could learn and grow. Since that first team was created, the organization has spread to 45 states and Canada.

Porter County Parks and Recreation is the first organization to offer the program in the Valparaiso and Chesterton areas. The new team will begin meeting at Sunset Hill Farm County Park, 775 Meridian Road in Liberty Township, on March 5.

Girls on the Run is a not-for-profit program that encourages pre-teen girls in third, fourth and fifth grades to develop self-respect and healthy lifestyles through running. Girls train for a 5K running event using workouts that enhance self-esteem. The curriculum addresses girls’ physical, emotional, mental, social and spiritual well-being.

Sara Grassmeyer, Wellness Coordinator for Porter County Parks and Recreation, is a co-coach for the team, along with Jenna Martin.

GOTR-2Girls will learn how to positively reflect on themselves, stand up to peer pressure, and learn their role in the community through a community impact project,” Grassmeyer said. “Let’s not forget the most exciting part – the girls will learn all of these lessons while training for a 5K race. We will cover the basics of exercise and teamwork and learn important strategies to become healthy, active girls.

Grassmeyer said she was looking forward to building new relationships with the girls and seeing them finish a 5K.

Whether the participants walk or run to complete the 5K race, all the girls will accomplish an incredible goal,” she said.

Martin, who runs half marathons throughout the year, also coached Girls on the Run last spring. She said her experience training for races helps her relate to the Girls on the Run team.

I am no different than all the young girls who do Girls on the Run,” she said. “I know what running does and the empowerment it gives. This is why the organization is so special to me.

The team will meet every Monday and Wednesday, from 4 to 5:30 p.m., at Sunset Hill Farm County Park. Every lesson begins with an ice-breaking game that will encourage participation and interaction. The team then warms up and begins the workout portion, which includes running games and exercise activities that will build up endurance and fitness in preparation for the 5K.

At the end of each session, the team will vote on one participant to win the Energy Award, which is given at every class to a girl who exhibits a positive attitude.

The cost of the program is $85. The fee includes registration for the 5K race that is May 19 in Highland and a T-shirt.

Jill Schleuter-Kim, Girls on the Run of Northwest Indiana Council Director, said she was excited to see the program introduced in the Valparaiso area.

Getting a site in Valpo, which has such a huge running community, has been a big goal for us,” she said.

Grassmeyer said the program will help girls become more comfortable with themselves while becoming better friends and members of the community.

This program is well-researched, science-based and carefully evaluated,” she said. “All coaches receive specific Girls on the Run Coaching Training and the final race in Highland is a huge celebration. I am very excited to be a part of this program and know that our girls will have a great time and be successful.”

Space for this program is limited. To register, or for more information, contact Sara Grassmeyer at 219-707-8281 or sgrassmeyer@porterco.org.