Carlett Rennalls was born in Jamaica and has made her mark on Northwest Indiana. She moved to Indiana in 1996. She has continuously helped others as a caregiver, assisting the elderly and the sick. She has been aiding others for more than 20 years and says she is proud to have built her life here.
“It’s a friendly community because there’s a lot of positive values here. I am passionate about assisting the elderly,” said Rennalls. “I do a lot of volunteer work and am a caregiver for First Care. To be a caregiver, you must be a very dedicated person.”
Rennalls says it’s her passion to help others that drives her. She is constantly helping others and treating them in ways that she would want to be treated.
“I always look at people’s needs and tend to put myself there. I do what I do for the smiles on people’s faces. People are limited and I want to help them any way I can,” said Rennalls. “It’s not about the money I make, it’s about the care I give and having those people know someone cares for them.”
Rennalls knew that she wanted to give back to the community, but most importantly, to its people.
“I always knew I needed to help others. I have worked in several long-term care facilities and I have to tell you, I worked so hard because I wanted to make sure everyone was taken care of. I wanted to make sure everyone was clean and properly cared for, and at the end of the day, I would go home happy to have taken care of those people.”
Rennalls is proud of what she does and says it’s always rewarding to help others and put them first.
“I was raised to think of others. It’s not always about me. In my country, it was never about me and what I could have. There are people out there that are less fortunate than I am and they need a helping hand,” said Rennalls. “I am gracious and extremely blessed. I am strong and able to see things the way they are. I also want to educate the families of those I care for. Dementia is one of my specialties and, sometimes, the families don’t understand the disease. I have to help and work with them. It can be a challenge, but I know everything will work out.”
Rennalls wakes up every day knowing that she will make an impact on as a caregiver, and as a friend.
“I am able to bring laughter to a soul who may not be around for a long time. That’s what’s important, just to be there for them,” said Rennalls. “My career has helped me grow spiritually, and as a person.”
Northwest Indiana holds a special place in Rennalls heart. She says it gave her opportunities she will always be grateful for.
“Indiana is a great place to work and live, and I have built a life here. There’s just a beauty about this area. I brought my kids here, and it’s a great place to raise a family.”
Rennalls encourages others to volunteer and to give back to others. She says there’s no greater feeling than giving back, and hopes others can help in similar ways.
“I want people to step out and help. It can all start by just going online and filling out an application. Hospice centers always need help. I approach people that need volunteers and I think it’s a wonderful thing to do, just to be there,” said Rennalls.
Rennalls says she hopes she can travel abroad to help other areas in need. She helped different communities when they were hit with natural disasters.
“I have lent a helping hand to states in need. I went to Louisiana when they had the really bad flooding. There were days where I didn’t eat for hours because people needed all of the help they could get.”
Rennalls wants to spread her message of the gift of giving. She wants the community to know the importance of helping others. It fuels her to know the littlest things can grant the biggest smiles.
“When you help others, that’s when you truly connect with people. It's so rewarding that you realize the big paycheck doesn't matter. It’s about the people, and about the smiles,” said Rennalls.