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A Valpo Life in the Spotlight: Don Wright

A Valpo Life in the Spotlight: Don Wright

This week’s Life in the Spotlight inherited a business built on a dirt go-kart track with two carts to its name, and a mini golf course created from repurposed home carpeting. Built with hard work, grit, dedication, and a true sense of fun in 1956, Wright’s Barnyard became an icon to children and families of the Lansing, Illinois area.

When Don Wright took over the business from his parents fresh out of college in 1973, he brought with him big dreams of expansion. Don decided to expand his empire to Valparaiso, at the time a small farming community.

“Being naïve gets you to do things when you’re young that you wouldn’t dream of doing as you get older.”

While at the time it was a risky business decision, Don has seen his dreams come to fruition as Zao Island has grown along with the town of Valparaiso.

“We’ve watched the growth here in Valpo. I love what it’s become. I love the people. It’s incredible. To be a part of Valpo’s evolution is exciting. It’s not done growing and neither are we,” Don said about the town’s growth over the decades since Zao Island’s establishment.

Don’s mission in this business is simple. “Our mission is to put smiles on people’s faces. This is our spiritual gift, how we give back to our community. Not everyone can do this, but we can. It makes a difference.”

From the growth of Zao Island and the many lives, it has brightened it is clear to see the success Don has had in pursuit of his mission.

Many will remember the changes Zao has undergone over the years. With the addition of live gators, arcade renovations, laser tag, go-karts, and even a teen dance club for a time, Zao has been a part of many a native Valparaiso kid’s fond memories.

Don is overjoyed to know the mark his passion has made on so many lives.

“We want to continue to grow and remain a positive part of the community and families’ lives. That’s the main goal. If they walk out with a smile and a great memory we’ve done our job.”

Over the years, Zao Island has seen a few changes in ownership. Shortly after Don sold the business to Discovery Zone, he realized how badly he needed the business in his life.

Buying Zao back, he said, “probably saved my life. You don’t realize fully that it becomes a part of yourself. Stepping away is like ripping out your own heart. Starting over again was the best thing I ever did.”

In the years since, Don has passed his passion on to his son and a long-time employee, Katy Hurst’s hands.

“It’s satisfying to see it work out this way. It is fulfilling to act as a mentor to them. I’m very lucky to have Katy and Ryan as partners. It’s fun to watch the third generation take it to another level. They’re doing a wonderful job and there is much more to expect from them.”

“I was naïve and very lucky and I was born into a family with a direction. I was taught to work. My mom and dad are my greatest source of inspiration. I learned from their work ethic and their character, their playful side,” Don says, in speaking of his greatest source of inspiration in life.

It’s clear that the Wright family has a knack for combining business and fun and that their hard work and vision fit well into the blossoming society Valparaiso has become.

“We’re hosting a big party every day,” he says, smiling. “We’re happy to bring that to Valparaiso and to be a part of the community. It’s our future.” And a bright and smiling future it is, at that.