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A Valpo Life in the Spotlight: John Seibert

John Seibert, a Valparaiso resident for 32 years, has been making an impact in Valparaiso for as long as he has been a part of the community. He is currently Director of Parks and Recreation in Valparaiso.

Though Seibert grew up in Texas, he was told that Indiana University in Bloomington had the best school in the country. He decided to attend IU as an intern graduate student, with the goal of getting his tuition paid.

While he worked as an intern in the field of recreational sports, there were staff cutbacks at IU. Seibert explained, “That is where I learned many life skills like working hard, and if you are going to do something, take it to its highest standards. Also, if you surround yourself with people with good intent, great things can come out of that.”

In 1985, Seibert was notified that the position of Director of Parks and Recreation became available in Valpo. He said, “I had about one day to get it together and in a couple of days I had the job. I was 30 years old and 19 years later I was still doing it.”

Seibert has been a long active member of the community. In 2004, he was asked by the newly-elected Mayor Jon Costas to be part of the new city administration. Seibert did not hesitate to say yes. Though he was leaving behind his long-time position of Parks Director, where he had the privilege of working closely with former Mayor David Butterfield, he felt this new position would offer a new opportunity to grow.

Seibert said, “(Costas) needed me and I was called to be there. Our work together was important. It was a privilege to work with him.” He added, “I admire his approach to things.”

Seibert’s involvement in the community goes much further. After working as City Administrator for Mayor Costas, he became the Vice President of Opportunity Enterprises, charged with developing a strategy to make Housing Opportunities an independent organization.

When that vision came to fruition, he became the first President of Housing Opportunities along side Caroline Shook, who took the role of Chief Operating Officer. Seibert said, “It was important for me to help get it started. I was able to help Caroline, and we worked together with fundraising, marketing, on communication and making good relationships in the community.” Caroline would then go on to head up Housing Opportunities.

After Housing Opportunities was fully realized, the position of Director of Parks and Recreation was available once more. Seibert said of the position, “It was my first love. The time I had away from here I call my mission trips, and now I was returning back home.”

Seibert gave the example of ValPlayso for why he sees the Parks Department as such a vital part of the community. He said, “The ValPlayso Project is symbolic of what we do. It is symbolic in its larger sense because it is a place where people can gather together in the community. It gives them the opportunity to connect with each other.”

Seibert continued, “The park system is just as important as its schools. The parks are a visible symbol for what a community stands for. It shows if the community cares about its town, and asks the questions, ‘What does it say about its community?’ ‘Is this a place I want to live or be a part of?’ Ultimately, I want people to say, ‘This is a community I want to live in.'”

Chris Mahlmann, CEO of Ideas in Motion Media, commented about the involvement that Seibert has within the community. Mahlmann said, “I have worked with John on projects in his capacity in the city, the Parks Department, in non-profits, and in his management classes at VU. From our earliest days launching ValpoLife.com, he has always found new ways to engage us and other organizations in the community and find ways to work together for the common good.”

John Seibert truly is “A Valpo Life in the Spotlight.”

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