Taija Jackson recently had the honor of being named the Valparaiso Boys and Girls Club Youth of the Year. A middle schooler at Benjamin Franklin Middle School, Jackson is the youngest of five, with her four older siblings being all boys. Her family has several cultures intertwined into it with the common thread of strong, stern morals, which Jackson says has been a large influence on her art that she creates.
She has a great passion for writing poetry as well, along with public speaking and generally helping anyone she can at any given time. Being a student at BF, Jackson spoke highly of her academic surroundings, calling Benjamin Franklin an "unlimited environment that truly is able to provide students with happiness."
Her family has several cultures intertwined into it with the common thread of strong, stern morals, which Jackson says has been a large influence on her art that she creates. She has a great passion for writing poetry as well, along with public speaking and generally helping anyone she can at any given time. Being a student at BF, Jackson spoke highly of her academic surroundings, calling Benjamin Franklin an "unlimited environment that truly is able to provide students with happiness."
While Jackson is clearly happy in her school day to day, she finds even greater joy in spending time at the Boys & Girls Club.
"The very first moment I walked in the door, I knew the Boys and Girls Club was the place for me..it was the laughter, the smiles, and the true love the staff gave me," said Jackson. "Best of all, it was and is my escape from the world, since I can leave all my problems, pains, and worries at the door. This is the one place where no one will even allow me to be sad, mad, or angry."
Jackson admitted that when she initially began going to the club, she very much kept walls up whenever anyone tried to speak with her as a sort of defense mechanism. Over time, the Boys and Girls club destroyed that wall and personal barrier.
Jackson has had countless opportunities to meet new people through the club, which she says is one of her favorite parts.
"Meeting new club members is such a great experience," Jackson raved. "I love the feeling of diversity, it feels like you're buying a new book and just started reading it!"
Most recently, Jackson has spent a great deal of time helping advocate for change in the club's senior room (for teens). She feels that it's incredibly important that all the teens in the club have a place that is both comfortable to hang out in, as well as entertaining! Jackson is one of many teens that is helping with the process of creating this newer, more modern teen space.
The impact that the Boys & Girls Club has made on Jackson is so strong that she hopes to continue impacting it just as much as she grows older. She plans to work within the club as her first job, and hopes to be able to continue donating to their efforts as she grows older. Jackson is an emblem of positive youth involvement in our community, and goes above and beyond in her efforts to make not only the Valpo Boys & Girls Club, but also Valpo as a whole, a better place for all.
Jackson shared that her advice to future club members is to never give up on any aspirations they may have, be it in school, sports, or the community.
"Like my mom always told me, you only fail when you stop trying, and it's only when you quit that you are a failure."
Thank you for being such a positive role model, Taija!