Have you ever had a doctor, plumber, or accountant try to explain something to you, only to realize that they seem to have their own language? You know that they’re speaking English, but somehow you can’t understand how they’re using certain phrases. “Church people” are no different. They have words and phrases they use and understand that may seem foreign to you. Here’s a small list of some of the “Church Speak” that is most common.
What you might hear: “In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.”
What it means: Translated, it means “So be it” or “Let it be;” we use it as at the end of a prayer or as a way of strongly agreeing with someone
What you might hear: “Jesus and the Apostles then boarded a small boat…”
What it means: One of Jesus’ followers
Baptism, Baptize, Baptized
What you might hear: “Jane has decided to be baptized.”
What it means: The symbolic process of being buried and raised from the dead through Christ; this is when a person is submersed in water (“the death and burial”) and then raised from the water (“the resurrection and new life”)
Believer, Christian
What you might hear: “Herb is a believer, but his wife isn’t.”
What it means: Someone who believes that Jesus is the Son of God, that he died for our sins and that He rose from the dead after three days in the tomb
Body of Christ, The Body (two meanings)
1. What you might hear: “This bread represents the body of Christ.”
What it means: Symbolic representation of Jesus’ body from his death on a cross; used during Communion
2. What you might hear: “We are the body of Christ.”
What it means: Another name for the church; group of people who believe in God/Jesus
Brethren or Brother/Sister
What you might hear: “Brother Smith will be leading us in prayer.”
What it means: Term of endearment; symbolic of the church being like a family
Christian (see Believer)
Collection, Offering, Tithe
What you might hear: “As we sing this song, we will be taking our collection.”
What it means: A monetary gift presented back to God to do the work of the church; typically, a tithe is interpreted as 10% of one’s income
Communion, Lord’s Supper
What you might hear: “We are going to partake in communion after we sing this song.”
What it means: Symbolic time when we share bread (representing Jesus’ body) and juice (representing Jesus’ blood) to remember the sacrifice that Jesus made when He died on the cross.
What you might hear: “Dan is truly a disciple of Jesus.”
What it means: A person who closely follows Jesus and serves as an example to others of Jesus’ teachings put into practice
Elder, Shepherd
What you might hear: “Martin is one of our elders.”
What it means: Elders are men who handle the leadership of the church
What you might hear: “The Super Bowl party was an excellent fellowship time.”
What it means: A social time when people get to know each other better
What you might hear: “Oh, Hallelujah, our prayers have been answered.”
What it means: Literally means “Praise the Lord.”
Lesson, Sermon
What you might hear: “Tim’s sermon really was great this morning.”
What it means: The teaching time that occurs during the church service.
Lord's Supper (see Communion)
What you might hear: “I set my purse on the pew.”
What it means: The benches in the auditorium.
What you might hear: “We’re glad that you’re here. Please stay for the potluck.”
What it means: A shared meal where people bring a dish to pass.
Tithe (see Offering)