Home»Entertainment»Gatherings»Annual Aukiki River Festival set for August 23

Annual Aukiki River Festival set for August 23

Circle-DanceKankakee Valley Historical Society in partnership with Porter County Parks & Recreation presents the seventh annual Aukiki River Festival August 23, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and August 24, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., 1097 Baum's Bridge Road, Kouts.

What happens when you bring together some of Northwest Indiana's finest historical re-enactors, musicians, and a long summer day outdoors? The Aukiki River Festival at the historic Collier Lodge on Baum's Bridge Road, August 23rd and 24th. Great old time music, historical encampments with hands-on activities, children's crafts, and much more are part of a summer weekend along the banks of the Kankakee River.

Experience life as it was, with over 350 years of history re-enacted. Interact with re-enactors at the French-Indian War, Native American, French Voyageur, Fur Trapper/Trader, Civil War and British encampments. Drop by the Pioneer school, shop trade blankets, Traders' Row and Collier's General Store. Relax and enjoy period food, including wild rice cranberry soup, while listening to the musical sounds of the Trois Canards, Susan & Gary Brown and Trilly Cole. Demonstrations and activities fill the weekend—blacksmith, trap and skeet shoot, black powder, flint knapping, paddle making, weaving, quilting, spinning, fabric dying, pewter casting, children's crafts and much more. Trade skit Saturday afternoon and historic fashion show Sunday afternoon.

$3 admission, children 12 and under free. Benefit for will restoration projects including historic Collier Lodge & Linden Cabin. Handicap parking is available. For information and directions go to www.kankakevalleyhistoricalsociety.org or call 219-766-2302.