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Annual Turkey Trot Continues to Grow

It's that time of year again. With the holidays finally here, it was time for the 9th Annual Valparaiso Turkey Trot. For those that are not familiar with the Turkey Trot, it's a holiday tradition for friends and family of Indiana, Illinois and Michigan to come together and raise money for a good cause by running. What better way to kick off Thanksgiving than with a 5k walk/run and 10k run through the streets of Valparaiso?

Porter-Starke Services Foundation hosted this event for the third year in the row. Proceeds from the race benefit mental health and wellness programs and resources. The proceeds also support substance abuse and prevention in Northwest Indiana. Everyone present this Thanksgiving helped to support our communities.

People traveled from all over to join in the fun. Ashley Stocke came all the way from Muncie, Ill. with her dad, aunts, and uncle to support her brother and mother who participated in the 5k and 10k runs. Also, the Bailey family of six from Winamac, Ind. are repeat runners. This was their third year and they plan to come many more.

This year there were over 3,000 walkers and runners, a number which has increased over the years.

"A lot of families and friends have made this race part of their Thanksgiving tradition," Director of Marketing & Development at Porter-Starke Elliott Miller said. "We're really happy we can provide that opportunity for so many people. It benefits a great cause."

The winners of the races received a coupon from Mizuno for a free pair of running shoes.

The Thanksgiving Holiday is all about coming together as a family and also a community and that is exactly what was done. Without the participants, sponsors and volunteers it would not have been as successful as it was.

Results are available at THTiming.com by following this link!

For many more great photos from the Turkey Trot, click here!!