Home»Health»Medicine»Are You Ready to be a Quitter?: Smokers Who Want to Kick the Habit Invited to Learn How

Are You Ready to be a Quitter?: Smokers Who Want to Kick the Habit Invited to Learn How

rot4Franciscan St. Anthony Health-Michigan City is joining with the American Lung Association in presenting a series of smoking cessation classes.

Starting at 10:30 a.m. to noon May 20 and continuing on May 27 and June 3, 10, 12, 17 and 24, the hospital will present the association’s Freedom From Smoking program that offers options, resources and support for those seeking to kick the habit.

Participants will learn:
* How to know if they’re ready to quit.
* Medications that can help them break the habit.
* Lifestyle changes to help make quitting easier.
* How to prepare for the day they quit.
* Coping strategies for managing stress and avoiding weight gain.
* How to develop a new self-image.
* How to stay smoking-free for good.
For more information and to register, call (800) 931-3322.
The hospital is located at 301 W. Homer St.