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Art Classes at the Southern Shore

Southern-Shore-Art-AssociationDrawing the Right Brain Way: Instructor Neil Kienitz

12 sessions - Thursdays, March 8 - May 31, 1.30 – 3.30 pm
Fee: members $150, Non-members $180

This class will focus on a right brain approach to drawing. If you are not familiar with this approach, you will very likely be surprised at how much and how quickly your drawing skills will improve as you learn to "see" in a new way. I am totally convinced that those people who draw very well have a balance between right and left brain function. However, because our education system leans heavily toward left brain development which focuses on areas such as math, science, computers and other structured subjects, the right brain is usually left behind. The good news is that there are specific ways in which the right brain can be nurtured so that this imbalance can be "corrected". It is important to know that the right brain approach is limited to drawing from a reference. Come with an open mind, prepared to learn a very different approach to drawing.

A supply list will be emailed to participants. Class size will be no fewer than 5, no more than 10, no April 26 class.

Neil Kienitz: 219-872-0206 – nkienitz@comcast.net

Design and Composition in Painting: Instructor Neil Kienitz

12 sessions - Fridays, March 9 – June 1, 9.30 – 11.30 am
Fee: members $150 Non-members $180

This course can dramatically improve the quality of your work. It is a comprehensive approach to design, addressing the ten elements and seven principles of design. We will list and define all of them, analyze the works of some old masters and modern masters to see how all of them use these same elements and principles, and then apply them to our own work. This course is for two dimensional work only. You may work in the medium of your choice as long as it includes the element of color.

Composition and design are often presented in a fragmented, disjointed and abstract manner causing considerable confusion for those wanting to improve in these critical areas. This comprehensive approach will clear up the confusion and enable participants to see and understand the big picture and how all of the pieces fit into the puzzle. Although technique must be considered in every class, this class will not focus on technique but rather on design. However, technique will be addressed on an individual basis whenever necessary. A supply list will be emailed to participants. Class size will be no fewer than 5, no more than 10, no April 27 class. Neil Kienitz: 219-872-0206 – nkienitz@comcast.net

Introduction to Oil Painting

Introduction to Oil Painting: Instructor Dana Dabagia
6 sessions - Saturdays, March 10, 2012, 10:00-12:30
$135 for members, $165 for non-members

An award winning artist, Dana is self-taught in oils through dozens of instructional books, the Internet, videos and workshops. She will fast-track students through learning to work in oil on canvas foregoing the stumbles along the way that she experienced while learning. It will be fun and encouraging to those who want to learn to paint in oil. The classes are to be held above the gallery at 724 Franklin Street in Michigan City and run for 6 weeks. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced painter, this class will cover all aspects of painting in oil and cover paint qualities, values, composition, painting from a photo and ‘seeing’. The artists will paint from a photo supplied by the instructor and will be encouraged to develop their own technique. A suggested list of supplies will be emailed to participants. Class size will be no fewer than 5, no more than 10. Dana Dabagia 219-871-1590 – d2211@comcast.net

Gallery location: 724 Franklin St., Michigan City, IN.

Photo Club

Brett Maniscalco continues to add members to the Photo Club at The Southern Shore Art Association and is utilizing the dark room that we have in our loft of rooms above the gallery. Contact Brett at discountsignsandlettering@yahoo.com to join.