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Be Part of Daisy’s Circle Today!

Girl-Scouts-logoThank you to my friends and family!

Most of you know that the Girl Scouts are very important in my life. I believe in the mission of "building girls of courage, confidence and character, who make the world a better place."

I'm proud that Girl Scouts is accessible to every girl who wants the experience. Here at Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana, we have several programs and troops for girls who otherwise might not get the life-changing, empowering opportunities Girl Scouts brings.

That's why I'm writing to you today. Our council has recently lost much of its government and other funding to support these programs to girls in underserved areas. We are asking our friends and families to give $1 a month - $12 today - to close the gap created by our loss of funding.

For $1 a month, less than a Coke at McDonald's or a Dunkin' Donuts coffee, a girl can access after-school Girl Scout experiences that can inspire her to a career in science or break a spiral of low achievement. If you were a Girl Scout, think about all you learned and all the fun you had. And share that opportunity with today's girls.

Our Girl Scout Law reminds us to be "a sister to every Girl Scout." Your $12 gift ensures a girl has the chance to belong to this powerful sisterhood.

Giving is easy and only takes a minute. Go to our donation page and have a credit card handy. Think about giving more than $12 for this important cause if you can. And I'd appreciate your sending this on to other women you know were Girl Scouts and would want to support this effort.

Thanks for supporting me in Girl Scouts!

About Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana
Girl Scouts of Greater Chicago and Northwest Indiana impacts the lives of nearly 86,000 girls and 23,000 adult members in 245 communities in six Illinois counties (Cook, DuPage, Grundy, Kankakee, Lake and Will) and four Indiana counties (Jasper, Lake, Newton, and Porter). Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence and character, who make the world a better place. For more information, visit www.girlscoutsgcnwi.org.