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Boot Camp at Sunset Sponsored by Porter Regional Hospital

rot3Porter County Parks & Recreation will be offering an eight-week Boot Camp series sponsored by Porter Regional Hospital. Participants will have the opportunity to join a master level trainer at Sunset Hill for an invigorating hour long workout that is guaranteed to work your body from head to toe. Open to men and women 18 years and older.

The sessions will take place outdoors at Sunset Hill Farm County Park, each Saturday from 7-8 a.m. starting this Saturday, April 26th and concluding on June 14th. The sessions are only $5 each week, or $35 for the entire series. This is a great way for residents to try out the famed boot camp style workout in a relaxed and beautiful environment while soaking up the gorgeous spring weather! To register please visit the Porter County Parks and Recreation website at http://www.porterco.org/Activities/Activity/Detail/Boot-Camp-at-Sunset-sponsored-by-Porter--14