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BridgePoint News: BBQ Picnic, Homeless Ministry, and Annual Meeting Results

BBQ-PicnicBBQ Picnic

You’re invited to an all-church BBQ Cookout on Sunday, June 26th from 4-7pm at the home of Dave & Monica Kerr (113 Shorewood Dr., Valparaiso). Drinks will be provided. Please bring meat for grilling and a side dish, salad, or dessert. Bring a Friend! Sign up here.

Serve the Homeless

We are currently serving as a host site for New Creation, a ministry to homeless men. If you’d be interested in helping to provide supervision and/or possibly lead a Bible study here on Friday nights-Saturday mornings, please contact the office at 219-477-4207 or Mark Bennett at 219-898-6760.

Looking for other ministry opportunities? Check out our Service Opportunities page at www.bridgepointchurch.info

Annual Meeting Results

THANK YOU to all who came to Sunday's Annual Meeting! We are pleased to announce that all propositions were affirmed: Matt Courtney (to PLT), Angie Runyan (to Nominating Committee), By-Law Change, and Budget (including refinancing proposal and Building Bridges improvements)!

BridgePointLogoRummage Sale Success!

Thanks, too, to all involved in Saturday's Rummage Sale! Over $700 were made, half of which will go to the Caring Place (a local women's shelter) and the other half will further our outreach through the Building Bridges Project. Thanks to the life groups who made this happen, to those who donated, and to those who bought stuff!