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“Building Safe Spaces Together” Sexual Assault Awareness Month Event

“Building Safe Spaces Together” Sexual Assault Awareness Month Event

In recognition of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, on Wednesday, April 27, Ivy Tech Community College Valparaiso Campus and Purdue University Northwest will host live and virtual programming — Building Safe Spaces Together — to provide information and resources related to date rape and sexual assault.

Presentations can be joined physically on each campus or anywhere via Zoom. Community partners including the Caring Place, Fairhaven Rape Crisis Center, and Stepping Stone Shelter will also make presentations and provide supportive materials and services throughout the day.

The event will culminate with a presentation by internationally-recognized speaker Katie Koestner, which will be streamed to the Ivy Tech Community College Valparaiso auditorium. You can register for the event here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/building-safe-spaces-together-sexual-assault-awareness-event-tickets-322718338237?fbclid=IwAR20JYHksKNnKaSgIUsoLdIhpWb6vCJOZp1ksUWVSFgQSiuTcH_7PCqd4cc