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Building Your Digital Footprint

JanHave you ever "Googled" yourself to see what results pop up first in the search engine? As an employer have you ever "Googled" and applicant?

In August I encountered an awesome speaker, George Couros, who was working with a group of educational leaders helping us to build our Professional Learning Network (PLN) and our digital footprints. I had really never considered what my digital footprint said about my professional life--and how I could influence that footprint positively. To do so, I modified my use of Twitter and the content I was sharing on my blog. Last week I had the opportunity to revisit these ideas with George and was pleased at the ways I have shifted my digital footprint in just a few months. My focus has now shifted to the digital footprint of the Porter Township School Corporation, and also on how we are preparing students to be successful beyond our walls as schools and employers view their digital footprints.

Forbes published an article on this idea three years ago. The premise was that in 10 years (now just 7 years) our online identity will replace the traditional resume. Sure, perhaps our actual resume will be digital, but it's more than that. LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google, and Pinterest profiles will be part of what employers view when determining which candidate may best fill an open position. What do we need to make sure that our students know?

  1. Employers will "Google" your name to determine what they can learn about you.
  2. What is found in our digital footprint should be things that we are fine with the world reading.
  3. Absence of a digital footprint also speaks volumes about a potential employee.
  4. The separation of public and private has blurred in our digital footprint. It is difficult to maintain both. Let who you are be the same no matter what the context (ie: if your grandmother reads it or your best friend).
  5. Use your digital presence to build your resume. This can be through what you have written, places you volunteer, and how you share what you are learning.


What types of things are you doing to create a positive digital footprint?

cc licensed ( BY SA ) flickr photo shared by Jan