Bulk up your health knowledge with ‘Ask the Expert’ sessions at Fitness Pointe

Bulk up your health knowledge with ‘Ask the Expert’ sessions at Fitness Pointe

Community Healthcare System’s new program at Fitness Pointe aims to pump up your mental strength.

Community Hospital’s fitness center at 9950 Calumet Ave. will be hosting three presentations with medical and health experts on various topics as part of the Ask the Expert series. Membership to Fitness Pointe is not required to attend. The following presentations, which will include a question-and-answer session, are free and offered once a month through November.

Should I Get Tested for Prostate Cancer?

6-7 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 20

Prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in men, and the second most common cause of cancer death for men. One in eight will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in his lifetime. Join Eduardo Braun, MD, of Michiana Hematology Oncology, to learn more about why you should get tested for prostate cancer.

Is it Burnout, Fatigue or Depression?

10-11 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 17

If you are struggling with sleep problems, memory issues or feelings of listlessness, you simply may be tired – or you may be facing depression. Licensed Social Worker Megan Davitian, MSW, will discuss the differences between general fatigue and depression, and what you can do about it.

Understanding Nutrition Labels

2-3 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 15

Nutrition labels are intended to help consumers be savvier about their food choices. But what do

those numbers mean? Join Shannon Hough, RN, a certified diabetes care and education specialist, as she breaks down serving sizes, ingredient lists, daily recommendations and more.

To register for any or all of these free programs, call 219-836-3477. For more information on the services offered through Community Healthcare System, visit COMHS.org.