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Bumpers and Walkers and Babies, Oh My!!

Baby-CribYou get your friend's baby shower announcement – now it's time to go shopping! Off you go to your local baby retail store. You look up and down the aisles. She has such cute things listed on her registry. An adorable crib bedding set catches your eye. But wait – there are bumper pads and a large quilt in the set – aren't they unsafe for the baby?

The answer is yes – both bumper pads and quilts are dangerous for a newborn and infant to have in their crib. We have seen a decrease in the incidence of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) since recommending babies sleep on their backs. However babies and infants can suffocate from a quilt or bumper pad in the crib and the bumper pad poses a potential risk of strangulation or entrapment.

Since the fall of 2011 the American Academy of Pediatrics has recommended to avoid using bumper pads in a newborn’s or infant's crib. It is also recommends to not place toys, pillows, stuffed animals and heavy blankets in the crib. Consider using a sleep sack for your infant.

Another unsafe item that might be on your friend's wish list is an infant walker with wheels. These walkers can roll down stairs or allow an infant to reach a higher area, potentially touching items that may burn or consume an item that may be poisonous. This type of walker will not help the infant to learn how to walk. It can even delay independent walking and promote toe-walking habits. Instead- get her a stationary activity center.

Now that you know a few important safety tips – go forth and shop!

Dr. Lisa Gold is a pediatrician practicing in Crown Point, Indiana, at the Crown Point Pediatric Health Center.