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Calling All Volunteers to Rebuild Together!

RT-Valpo-newRebuilding Together is the nation’s largest volunteer organization preserving and revitalizing low-income homes and communities. Since 1990, Rebuilding Together-Valparaiso has brought volunteers together throughout the community to help the elderly, the disabled, the very low-income and, in many cases, low income homes with children. In 2011, despite a rainy day, we had over 350 volunteers working with us to help make their homes safe and warm. Without volunteers like you, we cannot provide this needed service in our community.

The 2012 Rebuilding Together Valparaiso work day is coming up on Saturday, April 21, 2012. Please share this opportunity with others in your organization. Volunteers need no special skills or experience. All help is welcome!

If anyone would like more information on Rebuilding Together, please direct them to our website at: http://www.rebuildingtogethervalparaiso.org/. If you need any additional information please email us at info@rebuildingtogether.org.

A volunteer mass sign up sheet is attached, which should be returned if your organization will be providing a number of volunteers. Additionally, we need a volunteer waiver form signed by each person who wishes to participate. Please be sure all volunteers fill out a waiver form. Make sure individuals indicate your organization’s name on the individual waiver form line that requests “I would like to be placed on a team with:” This will help us make sure your team is kept together. Volunteer waiver forms may be downloaded at www.rebuildingtogethervalparaiso.org.

Your support is vital to our continued success and impact in our community. Thank you!