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Calvary Link: Worship Together

calvary-monk-imageLast Sunday after the service someone came up to me and said, "This sermon series has totally transformed the way I do my work." I asked where she was employed. "I work at the post office and have worked there for years," she said. Joy welled up in my soul. This is what I live for! Increasing the joy of God's people--postal workers, plumbers, professors, painters--and the list goes on!

This Sunday will be our final installment of the "Made to Work" series, and I will be talking about what to do when work is hard. You are sure to be blessed!

Can I urge you to make worship a priority this summer? Perhaps this can be a season of renewal for you in every way--even spiritually! We will make sure that every Sunday at Calvary is worth your while! Be here--and bring a friend.

Father's Day
Bring your blanket or chairs and join us on Sunday, June 15 at the downtown Central Park Plaza Amphitheater for a combined outdoor worship service at 11:00 a.m. to celebrate Dad's and Family! After the service, stick around the park, have a picnic (food vendors will be on site), toss a frisbee, walk around our 'Cruise In' of cars and enjoy spending time with your family and friends.

Discover Israel
Join our Senior Pastor Lionel Young and his wife Stacy for the trip of a lifetime to the land of the Bible. Calvary's first ever 'Discover Israel' study tour will be February 1-12, 2015. CLICK HERE for further details on this amazing adventure.

Global Missions
Calvary is excited to be sending out two mission teams in July in partnership with Kids Alive International! Our student ministries will be sending a group to Guatemala to help with construction of a new girls home. This will make room for more girls who have suffered abuse and need to experience the love of Jesus. We are also sending eight married couples to Mitaboni, Kenya, to construct a playground and shower the children with love! Please be praying for both of these teams as they represent Calvary and spread the gospel around the world. If you would like to donate to these ministries, CLICK HERE and write a memo of "2014 Summer Mission Trip" in the note.

Young Adults
College students and young adults are invited to go hiking at the Dunes this Saturday, 6.7. We will meet at 11a at the Dunes Visitor Center, hike, and have a picnic lunch after! Grab some friends or come along and make some new ones. Click here for the details.

Men's Ministries
The Band of Brothers Summer Bonding Tour is back! This Thursday, 6.5, Calvary men and their guests are invited to Pastor Jon Nitta's at 7:00 p.m. for an evening of fellowship together.

Women's Ministries
We are excited to announce that MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers www.mops.org) will be coming to Calvary this Fall! Pre-registration ends this Sunday, 6.8. Stop by our table in the foyer this Sunday to register or click here for more information!

Girlfriends! Join our Summer Book Club! We will be reading 'Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World' by Joanna Weaver and gathering on Saturday, 8.2 for a picnic and discussion! Click here for more information.

Ladies of all ages and stages are welcome to join us for a Girlfriends Night Out. Our 50s and Beyond ladies meet the first Monday each month, 20 through 30 Somethings meet the 2nd Tuesday each month, and 30 through 50 Somethings meet the 2nd Thursday each month. Click on each group for dates and locations!

Children's Ministries
Have you considered serving at Calvary with our Rock Solid Kids?! We are looking for volunteers who can invest one hour on Sundays into the lives of our kids and families. Open positions include our Infant Nursery, Toddler Nursery, 2 year olds, Preschool, Elementary and Children's Welcome Center. Consider joining us for one Sunday to observe and see if it's a fit for you! Contact victoria@calvaryweb.net for more information.

Vacation Bible School Save the Date! ‘Agency D3 VBS 2014’ will be August 4-6 from 5:45-8:15p with a Family Fun Night on Thursday, 8.7! Volunteer sign-ups will be on 6.22 & 29 and a Volunteer Meeting after services on 7.27. Registration for children k-5th grade will open on 7.20. Stay tuned for more details!