Calvary Link: Growing Pains

calvary-link-headerDon't you just love it that our church is growing? It's a total God thing. He is the one who grows His church. He has blessed us so much we don't have room for the blessing (what a great problem). This last Sunday we had to turn people away from the 9:45a service it was so crowded. Wow!

So, today I'm celebrating the growth, but also asking for some of you to help with our growing pains by joining me and team at 8:15a and 11:15a. Our first and last services are well attended, but we still have room in them for growth (unlike the 9:45a). Keep witnessing Calvary Church--for the glory of God.

This Sunday we complete Mark 13 and our mini-series on the End of the World. I hope you are enjoying it as much as I am. Do something for God's glory, and your own good this Sunday--come to worship--and enjoy God together!


PS. So thankful for all our Children's Ministries volunteers! What a great bunch led by Victoria Evans-Peasley. See her if you want to be on the team!

What's new at Calvary...

Children's Ministries
Our Calvary Church Family is invited to enjoy Family Fun Night this Friday, 11.22 at 6p! Invite your neighbors, family and friends to join you! We will have gym games and board games, movies, popcorn, music, and tons of fun!

You are needed! We currently have a strong need for team members in our 2-year-old classes on Sundays in December. If you have a passion for kids and connecting them to Jesus Christ, we'd love to have you join the Rock Solid Children's Ministries team here at Calvary! Please stop by the table in the Children's Ministries foyer after each of the services on Sunday to sign-up and find out more. You can also contact our Director of Children's Ministries, Victoria Evans-Peasley ( for more information.

Advent Season
Advent marks a season of growing excitement and shared joy as Christ-followers celebrate the birth of the Savior. Join Calvary Church every Sunday in December, and again on Christmas Eve, as we take part in an age-old tradition of remembrance and anticipation.

This year's Christmas Eve services will be held at 4p & 5:30p. Invite a friend to join you with our free Calvary E-vite.

Childcare will be available for infants through preschoolers during both the 4p & 5:30p Christmas Eve services. If you would like to serve our families with young children in Children's Ministries during one of these services, please contact

Holiday Assistance
We are providing assistance again this year to those in need during the holiday season. If you or someone you know has a special need, please contact If you would like to support our efforts, you may make a tax-deductible contribution to the Calvary Church Compassion Fund.

Women's Ministries
This year's Girlfriends of Grace Christmas Lunch will be held on Saturday, 12.7 at 11a at Valparaiso University, featuring special guest speaker, Robyn Dykstra and musical guest, Jenifer Crane! Tickets are now available and must be purchased in advance. If you would like to decorate a table or volunteer in other capacities, contact Event Director, Lynette Green. CLICK HERE for more information!

Men's Ministries
Join us for our annual Men's Christmas Dinner. This year we will be having our meal at Pikks on Thursday, 12.5 at 7p. Please register for the event. You can also contact Jeff Walsworth with questions.

Meet your Calvary friends in the gym on Sunday, 12.8 for HangTime! The gym will be outfitted for mingling with old friends and meeting new ones. Come by after the worship services for a snack and a cup of coffee with your church family. “The physical presence of other Christians is a source of incomparable joy and strength to the believer.” ~ Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Life Together

Student Ministries
Sunday mornings Reliant High School students (and recent graduates!) are invited to a study of the book of Luke during the second service. Meet in the gym at 9:45a.

Interested in checking out great Christian colleges in the area? Reliant upperclassmen are taking a trip to visit a few colleges this Friday, 11.22. Contact for more details.