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Calvary Link: The Best Week

Calvary-God-SongsChurch made a big difference in my life when I was a kid. I loved my church! And I want our kids to think of church as a great, fun place where they learn about the God who loves them.

This year’s Vacation Bible School is already one of our most talked about events and it hasn’t even happened yet! People are excited for “the best week of summer.” Our kids are going to marvel at our BIG God together. Invite a few kids from your neighborhood to be part of the fun, and plan to come out to Family Fun Night and spend time with our church and VBS families on July 13.

I’m taking a break this month to enjoy some time with my family. (Pastor Josh Reasoner is preaching this Sunday. You don’t want to miss it!) Let me encourage you to do the same—take a break and enjoy time with your family this summer. And join your church family for worship on Sundays.

VBS Registration
Galactic Starveyors is coming soon! From July 10-12, K-5th graders are invited to marvel at our BIG God together with Bible stories, action-packed songs, memory verses, cool crafts, games, and snacks between 5:45 and 8:30p each night! Register online by 7.6 to avoid long lines.

Starting Point Turbo
Saturday 7.15

Every great journey has a starting point. Whether you’re considering membership at Calvary or simply want to learn more about being a Christ-follower, Starting Point is the place to begin. Register at calvaryweb.net/starting-point or at Guest Services.

Summer Life Nights
Wednesday 7.5

Try out our Life Groups format at Summer Life Nights. Share a meal, meet a few new people, and discuss an interesting topic. Summer Life Nights continues every other week until early August. You can RSVP at calvaryweb.net/events.

Men's Summer Forum
Thursday 7.6

This 6-week topical study meets on Thursday evenings to discuss the kinds of topics that weigh on men's minds and to encourage one another. Make plans now to join us in July and August.

Students Beach Parties
Calvary Students are meeting up at Shorewood Forest Beach on two Fridays, one for middle schoolers (6.30) and one for high schoolers (7.7). We're grilling, tubing, and playing beach volleyball from 12-2p and we'd love to have you there.

Pray Give Go
Please pray for our mission teams. Our students arrived in New Orleans last week and our family team is preparing to leave for Guatemala next month. You can support the work of Calvary mission teams and our global partners.

Childcare Position
We are currently hiring MOPS Kids childcare workers to care for infants-5 year olds while our moms enjoy the MOPS program (Mothers of Preschoolers) on Friday mornings (twice a month) starting in September. You can learn more and apply at http://www.calvaryweb.net/job-openings.