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Camp FUNset Hosting President’s Day Programs

Camp-FUNsetCamp FUNset has become more than just a summer program during the past year.

Porter County Parks and Recreation has offered a variety of camps that take place during breaks throughout the school year. To continue that growing tradition, a pair of day camps will take place during President’s Day weekend.

The first camp will be at Sunset Hill Farm County Park on Friday, Feb. 15, and the second will be offered at Brincka Cross Gardens on Monday, Feb. 18. Both camps will take place from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

During the Friday camp at Sunset Hill Farm kids will take a hike through Murray Woods and, if the weather cooperates, build snow forts. Indoor arts and crafts, and other fun activities will also be enjoyed.

The Monday program will mark the first time Camp FUNset has been offered at Brincka Cross Gardens, which is located at 427 E. Furness Road in Pine Township. This unique park offers a variety of trails to explore and extensive gardens that are beautiful even in winter. A facility for indoor activities will also be available.

Kids in grades K-7 will have the chance to make new friends, learn new skills and explore nature. Hiking, wildlife education, arts and crafts and presidential trivial will be included at both camps.

Campers are asked to bring warm clothes, a sled (if there is snow), lunch and a snack.

Space is very limited for these camps. The cost is $20 for each camp, and the programs will be similar at both. To register, or for more information, contact Katie Rizer at 219-309-0680 or krizer@porterco.org.

About Porter County Parks and Recreation The mission of the Porter County Parks and Recreation Board and Department is to preserve, protect and manage the natural, cultural and recreational resources within a diverse park system. For more information, call 219-465-3586 or visit www.portercountyparks.org.