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Celebrate Father’s Day at Brookfield Zoo

Girl-Scouts-Brookfield-ZooHaven't found the perfect Father's Day gift just yet? Don't bug out! We've got the perfect opportunity for girls to celebrate the special occasion with their dads, grandpas, uncles and other significant male relatives at Brookfield Zoo.

Father's Day is this Sunday, June 17, and on June 29, 2012, celebrate dad again at the Big Bug Ball at Brookfield Zoo. Taking place after the zoo closes, girls and their guests get an exclusive look at the zoo's new "Xtreme Bugs" exhibit. Catch a glimpse of a giant lady bug crawling over a Volkswagen Beetle, then Jitterbug to a song about ants, play insect games and meet the live creepy crawlies on-site.

Encourage a girl to share this unique experience with her special guy. Spend a Friday evening learning together, sharing laughs and creating an experience no one will soon forget. To register for the Big Bug Ball, visit register.girlscoutsgcnwi.org and use code 36011. Families are welcome.