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Chalk the Walk for Family & Youth Services

Chalk-the-WalkThe Family & Youth Services Bureau announces a unique family friendly community event, Chalk the Walk, to be held on Saturday, June 22, 2013 at the Porter County Courthouse Square.

It is a chalk artisan event, where up to 200 community members will begin at 8:00 am and spend four to five hours creating works of art at an assigned 3 x 3 foot space on the sidewalks surrounding the courthouse. Each artist receives a box of brilliantly colored pastel chalk to create a chalk drawing that is not permanent, but stays on the sidewalk for several days.

This is a fundraising event for the Family & Youth Services Bureau, and the agency is seeking sponsors for the squares, beginning at $150. “We are contacting businesses, organizations, individuals and families about sponsorship,” states Jackie Gray, FYSB Development and Community Relations Director. “We want this to be a unique and memorable experience for all involved.”

Sponsors are encouraged to line up their own artist for the event, contacting an employee, family member or friend to do the artwork. However, if someone wishes to participate by sponsoring a square but does not know an artist, FYSB is also recruiting artists for that day and will pair the artist with a sponsor.

The initial sponsors for Chalk the Walk are: Anderson Insurance, Blachly, Tabor, Bozik & Hartman, LLC, Horizon Bank, Porter Health Care System, and Jack and Carol Ronneau.

To receive a sponsor or artist registration, or for more about the event contact Jackie Gray at 219-464-9585 or jgray@fysb.org. Registration materials are also available for download on the agency website at www.fysb.org.