Home»Entertainment»Arts»Chalk the Walk Seeking Artists for Downtown Event

Chalk the Walk Seeking Artists for Downtown Event

Chalk-the-Walk-1We are looking for Artists of all ages and skill levels to participate in this unique community event!

Chalk the Walk will be held on the Porter County Courthouse Square on Saturday, June 22, 8 am to 1 pm. Rain date is June 23.

Squares are 3 ft by 3 ft; we will supply a box of 24-piece brightly colored pastel chalk for each square. We will also provide you with some ideas on how to do the chalk drawings, other supplies to bring, and how to prepare for the day. This is a great opportunity for your artwork to be on public display at the Courthouse Square!

Upon registering, artists will be assigned to a a business or organization that is sponsoring a square. Once assigned, we ask that you meet with the sponsor to discuss the design.

Please register early! Artists will be assigned as sponsor requests come in.

For questions, contact Jackie Gray at 219.454.9585 or jgray@fysb.org.