Home»Entertainment»Gatherings»Chicago Street Theatre 24 Hour Dance Marathon

Chicago Street Theatre 24 Hour Dance Marathon

CST-Dance-MarathonPut your dancing shoes on and get ready to boogie! Chicago Street Theatre is excited to be hosting their very first Old Fashioned Dance Marathon on Friday, November 16, 7:00 pm. Dance the night away at the Valpo Elks Lodge #500 in support of Chicago Street Theatre's mission to provide quality, affordable live entertainment for Northwest Indiana.

Chicago Street Theatre is looking for marathon dancers, exhibition dancers and entertainers, bands, performers, sponsors, and volunteer! If you'd like to participate, check out the event page on Facebook.

A minimum pledge is required of $100 per person or $200 per couple. For team members, $50 per person! Pre-registration is necessary.

Prizes to be awarded include $300 to the top fundraising couple, $200 to the second place couple, and $100 to the third place couple. There will be team prizes too.

For more information, please call or text Dona Henry at 219.916.6870 or visit www.chicagostreet.org.