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Children’s Theatre Works Classes Offered at Chicago Street Theatre

2014-CST-Summer-Camp-03The 2014 Fall Semester of Chicago Street Theatre consists of 12 weeks of classes that begin the week of September 15 and end with a Showcase & Certificate Ceremony the week of December 8. There will be NO classes held the week of November 24-28, due to the Thanksgiving Holiday.

SEEDS (Grades 1 & 2)
This class is an energy-packed exploration of imagination. The emphasis is on creative expression through structured play. Young students learn to “act out” a story while important skills such as listening, concentration, and collaboration are introduced. New and returning students will benefit from this class.

  • Advanced Session - MONDAYS, 4:30-5:30 pm with Lisa Formosa-Parmigiano
  • New & Continuing - THURSDAYS, 4:30-5:30 pm

SPROUTS (Grades 3-4)
This class is an exciting initiation where students are guided through the foundational elements of drama (who, what, and where). While acting out favorite stories and playing theatre games, students explore imagination and creative expression with a purpose. The emphasis is on extending concentration and focus while illuminating discipline, self-esteem, empathy, understanding, and basic problem solving. New and returning students will benefit from this class.

  • Advanced Session - MONDAYS, 5:30-6:30 pm with Lisa Formosa-Parmigiano
  • New & Continuing - THURSDAYS, 5:30-6:30 pm

SPROUTS 2 (Grades 5-6)
In this stimulating class, students learn to sharpen their work in improvisation and theatre games while transitioning into scripted material. The concept of “playing” the wants and needs of characters is introduced, as they are taught to understand the importance of “listening.” The continued emphasis on concentration, discipline and self-esteem is enhanced through collective and constructive assessment. New and returning students will benefit from this class.

  • Advanced Session - MONDAYS, 6:30-7:30 pm with Lisa Formosa-Parmigiano
  • New & Continuing - TUESDAYS, 6:30-7:30 pm

BUDS (Grades 7-8)
In this exploratory class, students continue to sharpen their work in improvisation and theatre games while creating and developing original scripted material. The concept of “playing” the wants and needs of characters is applied through the creation of scenes. The continued emphasis on concentration, discipline and self-esteem is enhanced through collective and constructive assessment. New and returning students will benefit from this class.

  • WEDNESDAYS, 5:30-6:30 pm with Lisa Formosa-Parmigiano

BLOOMS (Grades 9-12)
This challenging course focuses on bringing a character to life through an advanced exploration of text. Students learn to identify and play objectives (wants/needs), how to understand and break a scene into “beats,” and continue to explore “listening and responding.” Students will also develop skills to analyze and critique dramatic work and suggest alternative artistic choices. New and returning students will benefit from this class.

  • WEDNESDAYS, 6:30-7:30 pm with Lisa Formosa-Parmigiano

NEW Winter Camps - 3 Weeks

IMPROV (Ages 8+)
Students will learn the fundamentals of improvisation while enjoying games and sharing laughs. Structured techniques will help to develop confidence as young performers learn to listen, think quick, and respond. ★ MONDAYS (January 12, 19 & 26) - Ages 8-12 - 5:00-6:00 pm & Ages 13+ - from 6:30-7:30 pm with Eric Brant

DIRECTING I (Ages 12+)
Designed to inspire and introduce young theatre artists to the director’s craft, this camp will explore and discuss fundamentals including vision & concept, script analysis, blocking, collaboration, and rehearsal techniques. It is the first step and a pre- requisite to becoming a Directing Apprentice within our Mentor Program.

  • TUESDAYS & THURSDAYS (January 13, 15, 20, 22, 27 & 29, 6:00-7:30 pm with Lisa Formosa-Parmigiano


  • Anyone may enroll for an age-appropriate class or camp. There are no auditions necessary.
  • Open registration for our Fall & Winter Semesters will begin Monday, August 18, 2014.
  • Fall Registrations need to be received by Friday, September 12, 2014.
  • Winter Camp Registrations need to be received by Friday, January 9, 2015.
  • Advanced sessions are for those students who have attended at least one semester.
  • No student will be admitted to the 12-week semester after the second week.
  • A completed registration form and signed medical release is required for all students.
  • A MANDATORY ORIENTATION will be held WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 from 6-7 pm (at least one parent/guardian needs to attend).


  • Tuition for FALL classes is $175, and includes a Student Membership & Children’s Theatre Works T-Shirt.
  • Our affordable Semester Payment Plan requires a $50 deposit at the time of registration. The remaining semester balance is divided monthly ($45), due the 15th of September, October & November.
  • DISCOUNTED FULL-YEAR Tuition for FALL & SPRING Semester classes is $325 and includes a Student Membership & Children’s Theatre Works T-Shirt. (Class schedules will remain the same through the spring semester, February-May).
  • Our affordable Yearly Payment Plan requires a $100 deposit at the time of registration. The remaining yearly balance is divided quarterly ($57), due the 15th of October, November, February & April.
  • Tuition for WINTER camps is $85, and includes a Student Membership. There is no Payment Plan for the Winter Camps.
  • Payment must be made at the time of registration in order to guarantee enrollment.
  • We accept cash, personal check, Mastercard & Visa.
  • There is no discount for late enrollment.



  • Second Child - $10 off the tuition of the second (or third, or fourth ….) child enrolled.
  • Full Year or Semester + Camp - $5 off the tuition of enrolling in a camp for each student enrolled in the Fall semester.
  • “Parents in the Wings” - Should you choose to volunteer and assist with any aspect of the theatre, we will bank your hours and deduct between 5%-20% of the total tuition, based on your involvement throughout the semester. A detailed explanation and “punch card” will be given at the mandatory orientation session.


  • Withdraw BEFORE attending first class = $25 withheld.
  • Withdraw BETWEEN first & third class = 50% will be withheld.
  • Withdraw AFTER the third class = NO refund given.

Once your registration is received and processed, a confirmation email will be sent. Questions? Contact our Director of Education at lisafp@chicagostreet.org.