Home»Entertainment»Theatre»Christ Lutheran Church in Valpo presents: Mary Magdalene – A Musical Dramatization by Keri Burman of Yadah Praise Productions

Christ Lutheran Church in Valpo presents: Mary Magdalene – A Musical Dramatization by Keri Burman of Yadah Praise Productions

Mary Magdalene: A Musical Dramatization by Keri Burman of Yadah Praise Productions – at Valparaiso, IN Christ Lutheran Churchkeri-bruman Tuesday, June 1st, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. Public Welcome!

Come Join us in our NEW Sanctuary located at the corner Of Campbell St. & Vale Park Road for a wonderful reenactment of a Woman of the Bible.

Often mistakenly characterized in popular writings, Mary Magdalene was an early follower of Jesus Christ and witness to His glorious resurrection. Through songs and monologues, Ms. Burman brings the scriptural based story of Mary Magdalene to life, right before the audience, with spirit filled passion and a God gifted voice!

The Songs:

  1. See, What a Morning
  2. Heal the Wound
  3. Where the Nails Were
  4. I Don’t Want to Go
  5. They Could Not

The Monologues:

  1. Mary’s Introduction, Healed from Demon Possession, (Luke 8:1-3)
  2. Becoming a Follower of Christ, The Crucifixion of Jesus (Matt. 27:55; Mark 15:40, 41; Luke 23:27-31, 48-49)
  3. The Stone is Rolled Away, Peter and John Believe (Luke 24:1-12, John 20:1-9)
  4. Mary’s Encounter with the Risen Lord, (John 20:10-18, Mark 16:9-11)

The ladies at our Women of the Bible Study at CLC are excited to host this event.

So, if you would like to join us on Tuesday Evening, June 1st at 7:00 pm please call Paula Starek at Christ Lutheran Church located at 2610 North Campbell St. in Valparaiso, IN 46385. Tel # 219-462-6660 or email CLCValpo@verizon.net

There is no charge to attend - (free will offerings for Keri Burman are appreciated).

We just ask you please RSVP in advance by Sunday 5/30/10 - Refreshments provided after the presentation.

Visit Keri’s website to read how her God given gifts and talents are reaching across all denominations to bring stories of the women of the bible to life and remind us of God’s word and love!

Come Join us…All are welcome here