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CHS Students Hone Leadership Skills at State Convention

CHS-Leadership-Convention-2012Students from Chesterton High School attended the Indiana Association of Student Council High School Division State Convention "Leadership at the Crossroads 12 recently in Indianapolis. The IASC High School Convention offered a program of leadership skills and activities, presented by well-respected speakers Keith Hawkins, Stu Shaffer and Harriet Turk, with the intent that students will be enabled to impact their school and community in many new, exciting and positive ways. 

Schools from throughout Indiana attended workshops at the Indiana Convention Center and enjoyed special entertainment at the Indiana State Museum.

Attendees pictured are, front row, left to right, Hunter Brown, Morgan Boatright, Caitlyn Toth, Abigail Hurst, Haley Ochoa and Shelby Snyder. Row 2, Jessica Ciesielski, Taylor Eaton, Megan McGue, Alec Emmons, Anmol Patel and Megan Homme. Row 3, sponsor Jennifer Jendrzejczyk, Taylor Rodriguez, Vanessa, Quiroga, Hailey Cappos, Dayna Gallo and Hannah Sakelaris. Back row, Colin Ringas, Chad Schuster, Grant Zakhar, Andrew Tymorek and Matt Rotundo.