Home»Other»City of Valparaiso Kicks Off 2012 with Swearing-In Ceremony for Elected Officials

City of Valparaiso Kicks Off 2012 with Swearing-In Ceremony for Elected Officials

Mayor Jon Costas was sworn in for his third term as Mayor of Valparaiso on January 1, 2012 along with Sharon Swihart for her ninth term as Clerk Treasurer and City Council members and the Leadership Team for the City of Valparaiso.

Mayor Costas opened up the ceremony by thanking everyone in attendance, saying “I believe Valparaiso truly is the ‘Vale of Paradise’ and it’s because of the people!” Costas went on to say that serving the Valparaiso community is, “a great privilege that we don’t take lightly.”

Judge Phillip P. Simon was privileged to swear in Mayor Costas and Clerk Treasurer Swihart. Simon stated, “It is a true honor and a real privilege.”

Before being sworn in, Costas shared that he would be using his father's Bible for the proceedings. Costas said his father, former State Senator William P. Costas, reminded him to “take heed of what’s in that book!”, as he pointed out to how worn out it was by its use.

Swihart was sworn in with two of her grandsons, Troy (16) and Cade (11) by her side, holding their family Bible. She explained, “They have been doing this since they were babies. Cade even recited (the oath) it along side me when he was three years old, thinking he had to say it too.” Swihart said, “I am a firm believer that we have to be a team.”

Costas spoke highly of the team elected to serve the city, stating “I am immensely proud of the people I work with. It is a team effort.” He continued, “Teamwork is evident in City Council. They bring a wealth of knowledge and energy to the City of Valparaiso and we work very well together. This is the finest group of people to represent a city anywhere.”

Also sworn in for City Council were: Bob Taylor (1st District), Tim Daly (2nd District), Joey Larr (3rd District), Michael Baird (4th District), John Bowker (5th District), Jan M. Dick (At Large), Deb Butterfield (At Large), and David Hollenbeck (City Attorney).

Baird stated, “My family goes back here a hundred years. We have roots here. There are so many great projects that make this city a real showplace in Northwest Indiana, like the improvements downtown on Lincolnway, Central Park Plaza, and the Vale Park Extension. My wife and I walk the Vale Park Path, and often we say how much we enjoy the Mayor's ‘two minute vacation’.” He joked, “But for us it’s more like 10 minutes.”

Costas talked about the sacrifice that those who hold office often have to make. He thanked his wife Sharon along with his father Bob and his step-mother Diane for always being supportive and making him who he is. He joked that his daughters were going to call 911 because they saw a strange man in the house”, referring to his time away from home. Costas also thanked his children, sons Evan and Tyler, and daughters Ashley and Hayley, for allowing him to be able to make such a sacrifice.

Serving Valparaiso was not his sacrifice alone. Costas said, “Your success is determined by the people close to you more than by your own efforts. I am grateful for the wonderful team I work with.”

The leadership team sworn in includes: Chuck Williams, Bill Oeding (City Administrator), Sharon Swihart (Clerk Treasurer), Matt Evans (Public Works Director), Craig Phillips (Planing Director), Tyler Kent (Assistant Planner/Transit Manager), Dave Nondorf (Fire Chief), Tim Burkman (Engineering Director), Don McGinley (Project Management), John Hardwick (Utilities Director), Mike Brickner (Police Chief), Matt Murphy (Economic Development Director), Ron Ziolowski (MIS Director), John Seibert (Parks Director), Lori Good (Executive Assistant to the Mayor), Vicki Thrasher (Building Department Director), and Tina St Aubin (Festivals and Events Director).

Oeding commented, “It takes a lot of people to make things happen.”

Kenard Taylor, Senior Advisor to the candidates explained, “This is a tremendous opportunity for people that are willing to serve and work for the betterment of the community. It shows with the great individuals we have in Valparaiso who are willing to step forward and hold these positions.”

Costas concluded, “We want to lead with integrity and not just to occupy office. We need your help. We need your input. We want to seek to build a better community for you and our families.”